What's new in Cloudera Streaming Analytics

Cloudera Streaming Analytics 1.9.0 covers new features beside the core streaming functionality of Apache Flink and SQL Stream Builder.

Reworked Streaming SQL Console
The User Interface (UI) of SQL Stream Builder (SSB), the Streaming SQL Console has been reworked with new design elements.
Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) support
Projects are introduced as an organizational element for SQL Stream Builder that allows you to create and collaborate on SQL jobs throughout the SDLC stages with source control. For more information, see the Project structure and development documentation.
Confluent Schema Registry support
Confluent Schema Registry can be used as a catalog in SQL Stream Builder and Flink. For more information, see the Adding Catalogs documentation.
JSON support for Schema Registry
JSON schemas are supported when using Cloudera Schema Registry with Kafka.