solrctl Reference

The solrctl utility is a wrapper shell script included with Cloudera Search for managing collections, instance directories, configs, and more.

For some examples of common tasks using solrctl, see Example solrctl Usage.

Make sure that the host on which you are running the solrctl utility has either a Gateway or Solr Server role assigned.

In general, if an operation succeeds, solrctl exits silently with a success exit code. If an error occurs, solrctl prints a diagnostics message combined with a failure exit code. solrctl supports specifying a file by setting the LOG4J_PROPS environment variable. By default, the LOG4J_PROPS setting specifies the in the Solr configuration directory (for example, /etc/solr/conf/ Many solrctl commands redirect stderr to /dev/null, so Cloudera recommends that your log4j properties file specify a location other than stderr for log output.

You can run solrctl on any host that is configured as part of the SolrCloud deployment (the Solr service in Cloudera Manager environments) . To run any solrctl command on a host outside of SolrCloud deployment, ensure that SolrCloud hosts are reachable and provide --zk and --solr command line options.

If you are using solrctl to manage your deployment in an environment that requires Kerberos authentication, you must have a valid Kerberos ticket, which you can get using kinit.

For collection configuration, users have the option of interacting directly with ZooKeeper using the instancedir option or using the Solr ConfigSets API using the config option. For more information, see Managing Configuration Using Configs or Instance Directories.


The general solrctl command syntax is:

solrctl [options] command [command-arg] [command [command-arg]] ...

Each element and its possible values are described in the following sections.


If used, the following options must precede commands:
  • --solr <solr_uri>: Directs solrctl to a SolrCloud web API available at the specified URI. This option is required for hosts running outside of SolrCloud. A sample URI might be:
  • --zk <zk_ensemble>: Directs solrctl to a particular ZooKeeper quorum. This option is required for hosts running outside of SolrCloud. For example:,, Output from solrctl commands that use the --zk option is sent to /dev/null, so no results are displayed.
  • --jaas /path/to/jaas.conf: Used to identify a JAAS configuration that specifies the principal with permissions to modify Solr metadata. The principal is typically solr@EXAMPLE.COM. In Kerberos-enabled environments where ZooKeeper ACLs protect Solr metadata, you must use this parameter when modifying metadata.
  • --help: Prints help.
  • --quiet: Suppresses most solrctl messages.
  • --debug: Prints errors to stdout.
  • --trace: Prints the executed commands to stdout.


The solrctl commands init, instancedir, config, collection and cluster affect the entire SolrCloud deployment and only need to be run once per required operation.

The solrctl core command affects a single SolrCloud host.

  • init [--force]: The init command, which initializes the overall state of the SolrCloud deployment, must be run before starting solr-server daemons for the first time. Use this command cautiously because it erases all SolrCloud deployment state information from ZooKeeper, including all configuration files. It does not delete collections. After successful initialization, you cannot recover any previous state.
  • instancedir [--generate <path> [-schemaless]]
                [--create <name> <path>]
                [--update <name> <path>]
                [--get <name> <path>]
                [--delete <name>]

    Manipulates instance directories. The following options are supported:

    • --generate <path>: Generates an instance directory template on the local filesystem at <path>. The configuration files are located in the conf subdirectory under <path>.
    • --create <name> <path>: Uploads a copy of the instance directory from <path> on the local filesystem to ZooKeeper. If an instance directory with the specified <name> already exists, this command fails. Use --update to modify existing instance directories.
    • --update <name> <path>: Overwrites an existing instance directory in ZooKeeper using the specified files on the local filesystem. This command is analogous to first running --delete <name> followed by --create <name> <path>.
    • --get <name> <path>: Downloads the specified instance directory from ZooKeeper to the specified path on the local filesystem. You can then edit the configuration and then re-upload it using --update.
    • --delete <name>: Deletes the specified instance directory from ZooKeeper.
    • --list: Lists existing instance directories, including configs created by the solrctl config command.
  • config [--create <name> <baseConfig> [-p <name>=<value>]...]
           [--delete name]

    Manipulates configs. The following options are supported:

    • --create name <baseConfig> [-p <name>=<value>: Creates a new config based on an existing config. The config is created with the specified <name>, using <baseConfig> as the template. For more information about config templates, see Config Templates. The -p name=value option verrides a <baseConfig> setting. The only config property that you can override is immutable, so the possible options are -p immutable=true and -p immutable=false. If you are copying an immutable config, such as a template, use -p immutable=false to make sure that you can edit the new config.
    • --delete name: Deletes the specified config. You cannot delete an immutable config without accessing ZooKeeper directly as the solr super user.
  • collection [--create <name> -s <numShards>
                              [-c <configName>]
                              [-r <replicationFactor>]
                              [-m <maxShardsPerHost>]
                              [-n <createHostSet>]]
               [--delete <name>]
               [--reload <name>]
               [--stat <name>]
               [--deletedocs <name>]
               [--create-snapshot <snapshotName> -c <collectionName>]
               [--delete-snapshot <snapshotName> -c <collectionName>]
               [--list-snapshots <collectionName>]
               [--describe-snapshot <snapshotName> -c <collectionName>]
               [--prepare-snapshot-export <snapshotName> -c <collectionName> -d <destDir> [-p <fsPathPrefix>]]
               [--export-snapshot <snapshotName> [-s <sourceDir>] [-c <collectionName>] -d <destDir>]
               [--restore name  -b <backupName> -l <backupLocation> -i <requestId>
                                [-c <configName>]
                                [-r <replicationFactor>]
                                [-m <maxShardsPerNode>]]
               [--request-status <requestId>]

    Manipulates collections. The following options are supported:

    • --create <name> -s <numShards> [-a] [-c <configName>] [-r <replicationFactor>] [-m <maxShardsPerHost>] [-n <hostList>]]: Creates a new collection with <numShards> shards.

      The -a option enables automatic addition of replicas (autoAddReplicas=true) if machines hosting existing shards become unavailable.

      The collection uses the specified <configName> for its configuration set, and the specified <replicationFactor> controls the number of replicas for the collection. Keep in mind that this replication factor is on top of the HDFS replication factor.

      The maximum shards per host is determined by <maxShardsPerHost>, and you can specify specific hosts for the collection in the <hostList>.

      The only required parameters are <name> and -s <numShards>. If -c <configName> is not provided, it is assumed to be the same as the name of the collection.

    • --delete <name>: Deletes a collection.
    • --reload <name>: Reloads a collection.
    • --stat <name>: Outputs SolrCloud specific run-time information for a collection.
    • --deletedocs <name>: Purges all indexed documents from a collection.
    • --list: Lists all collections.
    • The snapshot-related commands are covered in detail in Backing Up and Restoring Cloudera Search.
  • core [--create <name> [-p <name>=<value>]...]
         [--reload <name>]
         [--unload <name>]
         [--status <name>]

    Manipulates cores. The following options are supported:

    • --create <name> [-p <name>=<value>]: Creates a new core. The core is configured using <name>=<value> pairs. For more information about configuration options, see Solr documentation.
    • --reload <name>: Reloads a core.
    • --unload <name>: Unloads a core.
    • --status <name>: Prints status of a core.
  • cluster [--get-solrxml <file>]
            [--put-solrxml <file>]
            [--set-property <name> <value>]
            [--remove-property <name>]
            [--get-clusterstate <file>]

    Manages cluster configuration. The following options are supported:

    • --get-solrxml <file>: Downloads the cluster configuration file solr.xml from ZooKeeper to the local system.
    • --put-solrxml <file>: Uploads the specified file to ZooKeeper as the cluster configuration file solr.xml.
    • [--set-property <name> <value>]: Sets property names and values. Typically used in a deployment that is not managed by Cloudera Manager. For example, to configure a cluster to use TLS/SSL:
      solrctl cluster --set-property urlScheme https
    • [--remove-property <name>]: Removes the specified property.
    • [--get-clusterstate <file>]: Downloads the clusterstate.json file from ZooKeeper to the local system.