CDH 6 Packaging Information
Each CDH release series is made up of a collection of CDH project packages that are known to work together. The package version numbers of the CDH projects in each CDH release are listed in the following table.
Component Versions
For a complete list of the individual component versions, see the manifest.json file in the parcel directory for your chosen release. The component
version numbers are the same in parcels as the package distributions for each release.
- Go to
- Click through to the parcels directory for your release (for example,
- Open the manifest.json file.
For each component, the pkg_version is a concatenation of <component_base_version>+<cdh_version>+0 where:
- <component-base_version> is the base version of the open source component included in the CDH package.
- <cdh_version> is the version of the CDH package.
For example, in, this entry for Hadoop
shows that the upstream version is 3.0.0, the CDH version is 6.0.0.
{ "name": "hadoop", "pkg_release": "1.cdh6.0.0.p.284270", "pkg_version": "3.0.0+cdh6.0.0+0", "version": "3.0.0-cdh6.0.0-SNAPSHOT" },
Build and Release Numbering
If you are installing CDH 6 with a package manager, you will also see build and release information as part of the file name. The build and package release fields follow the patch level: for example, hbase-2.0.0+cdh6.0.0+0-1.cdh6.0.0.p.284270.el7.x86_64.rpm. The suffix -1.cdh6.0.0.p.284270.el7.x86_64 represents:
- the base of the release field (1)
- the CDH release (cdh6.0.0)
- a legacy patch identifier (p)
- a unique CDH build number (284270)
- the distribution (el7 = RHEL 7 compatible, el6 = RHEL 6 compatible). SLES 12 packages omit this.
- the processor architecture (x86_64, noarch, i386, amd_64). noarch means that the packages are not architecture-specific.
External Documentation
Cloudera provides documentation for CDH as a whole, whether your CDH cluster is managed by Cloudera Manager or not. In addition, you may find it useful to refer to documentation for
the individual components included in CDH. Where possible, these links point to the main documentation for a project, in the Cloudera release archive. This ensures that you are looking at the correct
documentation for the version of a project included in CDH. Otherwise, the links may point to the project's main site.