Incompatible Changes in Cloudera Manager 6.1
See below for incompatible changes in Cloudera Manager 6.1.0:
API Name Changes
HDFS_CLIENT_CONFIG_JAVA_OPTS has hbase in the template name
Changed the API name to fix the wrong name in the parameter.
Old Name | New Name |
hbase_client_java_opts | hdfs_client_java_opts |
This parameter configures the Client Java Configuration Options found under the HDFS Gateway role configuration. Any API scripts or cluster templates referencing these old names need to be updated to use the new names.
Cloudera Issue: OPSAPS-24569
Fix typos in a "detecton_window" API names
Changed the API names to fix typos in the following parameters:
Old Name | New Name |
hbase_active_master_detecton_window | hbase_active_master_detection_window |
hdfs_active_namenode_detecton_window | hdfs_active_namenode_detection_window |
mapreduce_active_jobtracker_detecton_window | mapreduce_active_jobtracker_detection_window |
yarn_active_resourcemanager_detecton_window | yarn_active_resourcemanager_detection_window |
These parameters tune the behavior of health test checking. The affected entities are: HBase Master, HDFS NameNode, MapReduce JobTracker, YARN ResourceManager. Any API scripts or cluster templates referencing these old names need to be updated to use the new names.
Cloudera Issue: OPSAPS-39223
Roles-related Cloudera Manager API endpoints are now accessed using RolesResource
For API documentation and the new, Swagger-based API client, roles can be accessed from Roles Resource instead of Services Resource. This does not change the roles endpoint and does not impact those accessing the Cloudera Manager API endpoints directly using tools like curl.
Cloudera Bug: OPSAPS-47787
Typo in HiveServer2 load balancer API name
Fixed typos in the following parameter. This change affects Hive services when Hive Server 2 is configured for High Availability.
Old Name | New Name |
hiverserver2_load_balancer | hiveserver2_load_balancer |
Any API scripts or cluster templates referencing these old names will need to be updated to use the new names.
Cloudera Issue: OPSAPS-33266