Known Issues and Limitations in Cloudera Manager 6.1.1
The following sections describe known issues and limitations for Cloudera Manager 6.1.1:
- Cloudera Manager 6.x issue with the service role Resume
- Cloudera Manager installation fails on MariaDB 10.2.8 and later
- BDR - Hive restore failing during import
- Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR) performance regression after upgrading to CDH 6.0.0
- Cloudera Manager allows more than a single space in YARN Admin ACLs
- Integer data types map to Float in Swagger API client
- User Sessions page doesn't update with a newly logged in SAML user
- Package Installation of CDH Fails
Cloudera Manager 6.x issue with the service role Resume
If a selected service role on a node is restarted and fails, and the customer clicks the "Resume" button in Cloudera Manager, the service role on all of the nodes will be restarted concurrently.
Products affected: Cloudera Manager
- Cloudera Manager 5.5 and later
- Cloudera Manager 6.0 until 6.3.3
- Cloudera Manager 7.1.x
Users affected: Users with admin role in Cloudera Manager can impact end users of the service.
Impact:In production clusters this can result in a cluster-wide service outage; Already observed for the YARN service and the HDFS service in a few clusters.
Severity: High
- A workaround exists where instead of performing a restart we recommend performing a stop/start of the services.
- Issue is fixed in CM-6.3.4, CM-7.2.1 and above.
Knowledge article: For the latest update on this issue see the corresponding Knowledge article: Cloudera Customer Advisory: Cloudera Manager 6.x issue with service role Resume
Cloudera Manager installation fails on MariaDB 10.2.8 and later
When installing Cloudera Manager using MariaDB 10.2.8 or later, the Cloudera Manager web server doesn't come up and the install process ends with a failed status. The cloudera-scm-server.log includes the following SQL error:
2019-08-28 04:37:10,171 FATAL main:org.hsqldb.cmdline.SqlFile: SQL Error at 'UTF-8' line 57: "alter table ROLE_CONFIG_GROUPS drop column REVISION_ID" Key column 'REVISION_ID' doesn't exist in table 2019-08-28 04:37:10,171 FATAL main:org.hsqldb.cmdline.SqlFile: Rolling back SQL transaction. 2019-08-28 04:37:10,172 ERROR main:com.cloudera.enterprise.dbutil.SqlFileRunner: Exception while executing ddl scripts. com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Key column 'REVISION_ID' doesn't exist in table
Note that MariaDB 10.2.8 is provided by default in some operating systems, including SLES 12 SP4.
Workaround: Replace the default MariaDB 10.2.x version with MariaDB 10.2.7.
Affected Versions: MariaDB 10.2.8 and later
Cloudera Issue: OPSAPS-52340
BDR - Hive restore failing during import
When the table filter used during hive cloud restore is different from the table filter used to create the hive cloud backup, the import step fails with the table not found error. Currently it impacts only the cloud restore scenario.
Products affected: Cloudera Manager
- Cloudera Manager 5.15, 5.16
- Cloudera Manager 6.1.x
- Cloudera Manager 6.2.x
- Cloudera Manager 6.3.x
Users affected: BDR, Hive cloud restore, where restore uses a subset of tables from the exported tables
- Limited, the hive cloud restore all tables works properly.
- The hive cloud restore from the hive cloud backup created prior to Cloudera Manager 5.15 would work without any problem.
- No other BDR functionality is affected.
- Workaround: Not available. Importing specific tables would fail. Impoting ALL tables would continue to work properly.
- Upgrade: Upgrade to a Cloudera Manager version containing the fix.
Addressed in release/refresh/patch: Cloudera Manager 7.0 and higher versions
Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR) performance regression after upgrading to CDH 6.0.0
Hive replication with BDR experiences a performance regression when comparing CDH 6.0.0 and CDH 5.14.4. The slowdown occurs during the import step. For example, the performance regression may only be 10% for 4 million partitions. As the number of partitions goes down though, the performance impact becomes more visible. For example, 100,000 partitions may experience a 20% performance regression.
Affected Versions: Cloudera Manager 6.0.0, 6.01, 6.1.0; CDH 6.0.0, 6.0.1, 6.1.0
Cloudera Issue: OPSAPS-47520
Cloudera Manager allows more than a single space in YARN Admin ACLs
When adding a YARN Admin ACL in Cloudera Manager, you are allowed to enter multiple spaces in the entry. The space is the separator between the user and group lists, and only a single space should be allowed in the entry. All entries that appear after a second single space in a YARN Admin ACL will be ignored.
Affected Versions: Cloudera Manager 6.0.0, 6.0.1, 6.1.0
Cloudera Issue: OPSAPS-47688
Integer data types map to Float in Swagger API client
Integer data types show up as floating point numbers when using the Cloudera Manager API Python client.
Affected Versions: Cloudera Manager 6.0.0, 6.0.1, 6.1.0
Cloudera Issue: OPSAPS-45689
User Sessions page doesn't update with a newly logged in SAML user
If you log into Cloudera Manager as the administrator user, and then log into Cloudera Manager with a SAML user through a different browser, the SAML user does not appear on the User Sessions page.
Affected Versions: 6.0.0, 6.0.1
Cloudera Issue: OPSAPS-47025
Package Installation of CDH Fails
When you install CDH with packages from a custom repository, ensure that the version of CDH you select for Select the version of CDH matches the version of CDH for the custom repository. Selecting the CDH version and specifying a custom repository are done during the Select Repository stage of installation.
If the versions do not match, installation fails.
Affected Versions: Cloudera Manager 6.x
Fixed Versions: N/A
Apache Issue: N/A
Cloudera Issue: OPSAPS-45703