Product Compatibility Matrix for Backup and Disaster Recovery

This matrix contains compatibility information across features of Cloudera Manager Backup and Disaster Recovery and CDH and Cloudera Manager.
Feature Lowest supported Cloudera Manager Version Lowest supported CDH Version Supported Services
Replication Cloudera Manager 5.0.0 CDH 5.0.0 HDFS, Hive, Impala
Replication to and from Amazon S3* Cloudera Manager 5.9.0 CDH 5.9.0 HDFS, Hive, Impala
Snapshots Cloudera Manager 5.0.0 CDH 5.0.0 HDFS, Hive, Impala
Snapshots from Isilon storage Not Supported Not Supported HDFS, Hive, Impala
Replication to and from Microsoft ADLS Gen1 Cloudera Manager 6.1.0 or Cloudera Manager 5.15.0 CDH 5.15 HDFS, Hive, Impala
Replication to and from Microsoft ADLS Gen2 (ABFS) Cloudera Manager 6.2.0 CDH 6.1.0 HDFS, Hive, Impala

*BDR does not support S3 as a source or destination when S3 is configured to use SSE-KMS.

Starting in Cloudera Manager 6.1.0, BDR ignores Hive tables backed by Kudu during replication. The change does not affect functionality since BDR does not support tables backed by Kudu. This change was made to guard against data loss due to how the Hive Mestastore, Impala, and Kudu interact.

Supported Replication Scenarios

To replicate data to or from clusters managed by Cloudera Manager 6, the source or destination cluster must be managed by Cloudera Manager 5.14.0 or higher. Note that some functionality may not be available in Cloudera Manager 5.14.0 and higher or 6.0.0 and higher.
BDR supports the following replication scenarios when Kerberos authentication is used on a cluster:
  • Secure source to a secure destination.
  • Insecure source to an insecure destination.
  • Insecure source to a secure destination. Keep the following requirements in mind:
    • In replication scenarios where a destination cluster has multiple source clusters, all the source clusters must either be secure or insecure. BDR does not support replication from a mixture of secure and insecure source clusters.
    • The destination cluster must run Cloudera Manager 6.1.0 or higher.
    • The source cluster must run a compatible Cloudera Manager version.
    • This replication scenario requires additional configuration. For more information, see Replicating from Insecure to Secure Clusters for Hive and Replicating from Insecure to Secure Clusters for HDFS.
Cloud Storage
BDR supports replicating to or from Amazon S3 and Microsoft Azure ADLS Gen1 and Microsoft Azure ADLS Gen2 (ABFS).

You can use TLS with BDR. Additionally, BDR supports replication scenarios where TLS is enabled for non-Hadoop services (Hive/Impala) and TLS is disabled Hadoop services (such as HDFS,YARN, and MapReduce).

Hive replication
Hive replication to and from Microsoft ADLS Gen2 (ABFS) is supported from Cloudera Manager 6.3.4.
Ensure that the following files are available before you replicate Hive data:
  1. cp /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-6.3.4-1.cdh6.3.4.px.xxxxxx/jars/wildfly-openssl-1.0.4.Final.jar /opt/cloudera/cm/lib/cdh6/
  2. cp /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH-6.3.4-1.cdh6.3.4.px.xxxxxx/jars/hadoop-azure-3.0.0-cdh6.3.4.jar /opt/cloudera/cm/lib/cdh6/
  3. chmod 644 /opt/cloudera/cm/lib/cdh6/wildfly-openssl-1.0.4.Final.jar
  4. chmod 644 /opt/cloudera/cm/lib/cdh6/hadoop-azure-3.0.0-cdh6.3.4.jar
  5. service cloudera-scm-server restart

Unsupported Replication Scenarios

Replicating to or from Cloudera Manager 6 managed clusters with Cloudera Manager versions earlier than 5.14.0 are not supported.
BDR does not support the following replication scenarios when Kerberos authentication is used on a cluster:
  • Secure source to an insecure destination is not supported.
BDR does not support Hadoop Archive (HAR file system) for data replication.

Supported Replication Scenarios for Clusters using Isilon Storage

Note the following when scheduling replication jobs for clusters that use Isilon storage:
  • As of CDH 5.8 and higher, Replication is supported for clusters using Kerberos and Isilon storage on the source or destination cluster, or both. See Configuring Replication with Kerberos and Isilon. Replication between clusters using Isilon storage and Kerberos is not supported in CDH 5.7.
  • Make sure that the hdfs user is a superuser in the Isilon system. If you specify alternate users with the Run As option when creating replication schedules, those users must also be superusers.
  • Cloudera recommends that you use the Isilon root user for replication jobs. (Specify root in the Run As field when creating replication schedules.)
  • Select the Skip checksum checks property when creating replication schedules.
  • Clusters that use Isilon storage do not support snapshots. Snapshots are used to ensure data consistency during replications in scenarios where the source files are being modified. Therefore, when replicating from an Isilon cluster, Cloudera recommends that you do not replicate Hive tables or HDFS files that could be modified before the replication completes.

See Using CDH with Isilon Storage.