Configure HBase-Spark connector using Cloudera Manager

The HBase-Spark Connector bridges the gap between the simple HBase Key Value store and complex relational SQL queries. It enables users to perform complex data analytics on top of HBase using Spark.

  1. Go to the Spark service.
  2. Click the Configuration tab.
  3. Ensure that the HBase service is selected in Spark Service as a dependency.
  4. Select Scope > Gateway.
  5. Select Category > Advanced.
  6. Locate the spark-defaults.conf.
    Spark2: Locate the Spark Client Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for spark-conf/spark-defaults.conf property or search for it by typing its name in the Search box.
  7. Add the required properties to ensure that all required Phoenix and HBase platform dependencies are available on the classpath for the Spark executors and drivers.
    1. Upload all necessary jar files to the distributed filesystem, for example HDFS (it can be GS, ABFS, or S3A). If the CDH version is different on the remote HBase cluster, run the hbase mapredcp command on the HBase cluster and copy them to /path/hbase_jars_common location so that the Spark applications can use them.
      Spark2 related files:
      hdfs dfs -mkdir /path/hbase_jars_spark2
      hdfs dfs -mkdir /path/hbase_jars_common
      hdfs dfs -put `hbase mapredcp | tr : " "` /path/hbase_jars_common
    2. Download the /etc/hbase/conf/hbase-site.xml from the remote HBase cluster. Create the hbase-site.xml.jar file. The hbase-site.xml is added to the classpath with the spark.jars parameter because it is part of the jar file’s root path.
      jar cf hbase-site.xml.jar hbase-site.xml
      hdfs dfs -put hbase-site.xml.jar /path/hbase_jars_common
    3. Upload the Spark2 related files:
      hdfs dfs -put /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hbase_connectors/lib/hbase-spark.jar /path/hbase_jars_spark2
      hdfs dfs -put /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hbase_connectors/lib/hbase-spark-protocol-shaded.jar /path/hbase_jars_spark2
      hdfs dfs -put /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hbase_connectors/lib/scala-library.jar /path/hbase_jars_spark2
    4. Add all the Spark version related files and the hbase mapredcp files to the spark.jars parameter:
      spark.jars=hdfs:///path/hbase_jars_common/hbase-site.xml.jar,hdfs:///path/hbase_jars_spark2/hbase-spark-protocol-shaded.jar,hdfs:///path/hbase_jars_spark2/hbase-spark.jar,hdfs:///path/hbase_jars_spark2/scala-library.jar,/path/hbase_jars_common(other common files)...
  8. Enter a Reason for change, and then click Save Changes to commit the changes.
  9. Restart the role and service when Cloudera Manager prompts you to restart.

    Perform the following steps while using HBase RegionServer:

    Edit the HBase RegionServer configuration for running Spark Filter. Spark Filter is used when Spark SQL Where clauses are in use.

    1. In Cloudera Manager, select the HBase service.
    2. Click the Configuration tab.
    3. Search for regionserver environment.
    4. Find the RegionServer Environment Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve).
    5. Click the plus icon to add the following property:


      /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hbase_connectors/lib/hbase-spark-***VERSION NUMBER***-198.jar:/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/hbase_connectors/lib/hbase-spark-protocol-shaded-***VERSION NUMBER***-198.jar:/opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/jars/scala-library-2.11.12.jar
    6. Ensure that the listed jars have the correct version number in their name.
    7. Click Save Changes.
    8. Restart the Region Server.

Build a Spark2 application using the dependencies that you provide when you run your application. If you follow the previous instructions, Cloudera Manager automatically configures the connector for Spark. If you have not:

Consider the following example while using a Spark2 application:
spark-shell --conf spark.jars=hdfs:///path/hbase_jars_common/hbase-site.xml.jar,hdfs:///path/hbase_jars_spark2/hbase-spark-protocol-shaded.jar,hdfs:///path/hbase_jars_spark2/hbase-spark.jar,hdfs:///path/hbase_jars_spark2/scala-library.jar,hdfs:///path/hbase_jars_common/hbase-shaded-mapreduce-***VERSION NUMBER***.jar,hdfs:///path/hbase_jars_common/opentelemetry-api-***VERSION NUMBER***.jar,hdfs:///path/hbase_jars_common/opentelemetry-context-***VERSION NUMBER***.jar