Introduction to S3Guard
Amazon S3 is an object store, not a filesystem. There are no directories, only objects. The S3A connector lets Hadoop, Hive and Spark applications see files in a directory tree, but really they are working on the objects underneath, by listing them and working on each one one-by-one.
Some of the operations which filesystems support are actually absent, with rename being the key one. The S3A connector mimics file or directory rename, by copying each file then deleting the original, which takes about 6-10 megabytes/second.
Until November 2020, the S3 Object Store was "eventually consistent": when a file was deleted or overwritten it took time for that change to propagate across all servers replicating the data. As a result, newly deleted files could still be visible, while queries of updated files could return the old version.
A critical problem was listing inconsistency: when a query was made of S3 to list all objects under a specific path, that listing could be out of date. This could result in files being left out of operations such as copying or renaming directories. Newly created files were at most risk.
S3Guard mitigated the issues related to S3's eventual consistency on listings by using a table on Amazon DynamoDB as a consistent metadata store. This guaranteed a consistent view of data stored in S3.
How S3Guard Works
S3Guard is a feature in the Hadoop S3A connector which uses Amazon's DynamoDB to cache information about created and deleted files, "The S3Guard Database".
When an application using the S3A Connector with S3Guard enabled manipulates objects in S3, such as creating, deleting or "renaming" them, the S3Guard database is updated. Newly created/copied files are added to the table, while deleted files have "tombstone markers" added to indicate that they have been deleted.
When a directory is listed on S3, the information from the S3Guard database is used to update the listing with this information: new files are added while those files with tombstone markers are not included in a listing.
As a result, the listing is up to date with all operations performed on the directory by all clients using S3Guard.
When a file is opened for reading, or any existence check made, the S3Guard database is checked first. If an entry is found in the database. that is used as the response —omitting all checks of S3 itself. This includes tombstone markers, which are used as evidence that a file does not exist. The caller is given the current state of the object (existence/nonexistence, size and type), without S3 being queried at all. This can be significantly faster than interacting with S3.
With this design, directory listings are kept consistent across a sequence of operations, even across multiple servers —indeed, across multiple Hadoop clusters.
What S3Guard Cannot Do
- Storing the "etag" checksum of each file and detecting when the value is different from that in S3.
- In an S3 bucket with "versioning" enabled, the version is used to guarantee that the file loaded is the one matching the S3Guard record.
When a file is loaded, the S3A connector will make repeated attempts to load a file with the expected etag and version ID before concluding that it is not available – at which point the operation will fail.
S3Guard does not provide the "atomic directory rename" operation which many applications rely on to commit their intermediate work to the final destination of the job. This does not work in S3 where files are copied one-by-one in a slow process. If this operation is interrupted, the source and destination will be in an unknown state.
- For Spark applications, use an S3A committer.
- When copying files using
, avoid the-atomic
option. All it will do is make the copy slower. Use the-direct
operation for a direct upload, and be aware that a failure during the copy can leave the destination inconsistent.