Adding Functionality to Apache NiFiPDF version

Custom Processor UIs

To add a Custom UI to a processor:

  1. Create your UI.

  2. Build and bundle your WAR in a processor NAR.

  3. The WAR needs to contain a nifi-processor-configuration file in the META-INF directory, which associates the Custom UI with that processor.

  4. Place the NAR in the lib directory and it will be discovered when NiFi starts up.

  5. In the Configure Processor window for the processor, the Properties tab should now have an Advanced button, which will access the Custom UI.

As an example, here is the NAR layout for UpdateAttribute:

Update Attribute NAR Layout
├── nifi-update-attribute-model
├── nifi-update-attribute-nar
├── nifi-update-attribute-processor
├── nifi-update-attribute-ui
│   ├── pom.xml
│   └── src
│       └── main
│           ├── java
│           ├── resources
│           └── webapp
│               └── css
│               └── images
│               └── js
│               └── META-INF
│               │   └── nifi-processor-configuration
│               └── WEB-INF
└── pom.xml

with the contents of the nifi-processor-configuration as follows:
