Flow Management cluster layout
Describes the layout and capacity of the Flow Management light and heavy duty cluster definitions.
Flow Management: Light Duty cluster layout
You can use a Flow Management: Light Duty cluster definition in development,
testing, or proof of concept scenarios.
Each of the cluster nodes includes:
NiFi and ZooKeeper co-located on all instances
- For each node hosting NiFi and ZooKeeper:
- AWS: m5.2xlarge
- Azure: D8_v3
- GCE: e2-standard-8
- Storage requirements per NiFi node:
- AWS: 4x 500GB EBS ST1
- Azure 4x 500GB Standard SSD
- GCE: 4x 500GB PD-Standard
- Each NiFi node hosts the following repositories
- FlowFile repository
- Content repository
- Provenance repository
- Log and Database repository
For more information, see your cloud provider-specific information about instance types and storage information.

Flow Management: Heavy Duty cluster layout
You can use the Flow Management: Heavy Duty cluster definition in production
The cluster definition includes:
NiFi and ZooKeeper on separate nodes
NiFi nodes scale independently of ZooKeeper
- For each ZooKeeper node:
- AWS – m5.2xlarge
- Azure – D8_v3
- GCE: e2-standard-8
- For each NiFi node:
- AWS – m5.2xlarge
- Azure – F16sv2
- GCE: e2-standard-8
- Storage requirements per NiFi node:
- AWS – 4x 1TB EBS GP2
- Azure – 4x 1TB Premium SSD
- GCE: 4x 1TB PD-SSD
- Each NiFi node hosts the following repositories
- FlowFile repository
- Content repository
- Provenance repository
- Log and Database repository
For more information, see your cloud provider-specific information about instance types and storage information.