Using the Apache NiFi ToolkitPDF version


Most commands support the ability to specify an --outputType argument, or -ot for short.

Currently the output type may be simple or json.

The default output type in interactive mode is simple, and the default output type in standalone mode is json.

Example of simple output for list-buckets:

#> registry list-buckets -ot simple
My Bucket - 3c7b7467-0012-4d8f-a918-6aa42b6b9d39

Example of json output for list-buckets:

#> registry list-buckets -ot json
[ {
  "identifier" : "3c7b7467-0012-4d8f-a918-6aa42b6b9d39",
  "name" : "My Bucket",
  "createdTimestamp" : 1516718733854,
  "permissions" : {
    "canRead" : true,
    "canWrite" : true,
    "canDelete" : true
  "link" : {
    "params" : {
      "rel" : "self"
    "href" : "buckets/3c7b7467-0012-4d8f-a918-6aa42b6b9d39"
} ]