Using Apache NiFiPDF version

Writing and Reading FlowFiles

Once the repository is initialized, all flowfile record write operations are serialized using RepositoryObjectBlockEncryptor (the only currently existing implementation is RepositoryObjectAESGCMEncryptor) to the provided DataOutputStream. The original stream is swapped with a temporary wrapped stream, which encrypts the data written by the wrapped serializer/deserializer via EncryptedSchemaRepositoryRecordSerde inline and the encryption metadata (keyId, algorithm, version, IV, cipherByteLength) is serialized and prepended. The complete length and encrypted bytes are then written to the original DataOutputStream on disk as normal.

On flowfile record read, the process is reversed. The encryption metadata (RepositoryObjectEncryptionMetadata) is parsed and used to decrypt the serialized bytes, which are then deserialized into a DataInputStream object.

During swaps and recoveries, the flowfile records are deserialized and reserialized, so if the active key has been changed, the flowfile records will be re-encrypted with the new active key.

Within the NiFi UI/API, there is no detectable difference between an encrypted and unencrypted flowfile repository. All framework interactions with flowfiles work as expected with no change to the process.