Monitoring Kafka Clusters using Streams Messaging ManagerPDF version

Monitoring Kafka producers

By monitoring Kafka producers, you can track the active and inactive producers in your cluster. You can also change the period of time after which a producer is considered inactive.

The producers you interact with in Streams Messaging Manager (SMM) are named based on the property you added when creating Kafka producers.

On the Overview page, producers are referred to as active or passive. Producers are active when they are producing messages over a designated time period.

On the Producers page, passive producers are referred to as inactive.

You can set the period of time after which a producer is considered inactive in the Streams Messaging Manager Configs screen.

  1. Select Streams Messaging Manager from the services pane.
  2. Click Configs and select Advanced streams-messaging-manager-common from the Advanced tab.
  3. Update to change the period of time after which a producer is considered inactive. This value is specified in milliseconds.

There are two ways to identify whether a producer is active or passive.

From the Producer pane in the Overview page, use the Active, Passive, and All tabs to view only active producers, only passive producers, or all of them. This allows you to see the total number of active and passive producers.

From the Producers page, each producer is listed with the status visible.