Using the cursor to return record sets
You use a cursor to return recordsets from stored procedures and functions. A cursor defines a set of rows and row-by-row operations on the set. You need to know how to open a cursor, fetch data into local variables row-by-row, and close a cursor.
- You created the fizzbuzz function.
- You created the numbers table.
Use an OPEN-FOR statement to select the number in each row of the numbers
table, iteratively FETCH the numerical content of the each row INTO cursor
variable num, close the cursor, and print the results.
create function fizzbuzz2() returns string begin declare num int = 0; declare result string = ''; declare curs SYS_REFCURSOR; open curs for select n from numbers; fetch curs into num; while (SQLCODE = 0) do result = result || fizzbuzz(num) || ' '; fetch curs INTO num; end while; close curs; return result; end; print fizzbuzz2();
The output looks something like this:
... 1 2 FIZZ 4 BUZZ 1 2 FIZZ 4 BUZZ FIZZ 7 8 FIZZ BUZZ No rows affected