HBase entities created in Atlas
Each HBase data set entity in Atlas includes detailed metadata collected from HBase.
The following diagrams show a summary of the entities created in Atlas for Hive operations and assets. The supertypes that contribute attributes to the entity types are shaded.

The metadata collected for each entity type is as follows:
HBase Namespace
Identifier | Example content |
typeName | hbase_namespace |
guid | System generated ID. This value is used to identify the entity in the Atlas Dashboard URL. |
qualifiedName |
name | Namespace name as reported from HBase. |
description | String description metadata from HBase. |
modifiedTime | Time from HBase indicating a change to the namespace. Formatted as in this example: “Wed Apr 17 2019 18:32:14 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)” |
owner | Owner as reported from HBase. |
parameters | Reserved for future use. |
replicatedFrom | Reserved for future use. |
replicatedTo | Reserved for future use. |
Relationship: tables | One namespace to many tables. hbase_table_namespace |
HBase Table
Identifier | Example content |
typeName | hbase_table |
guid | System generated ID. This value is used to identify the entity in the Atlas Dashboard URL. |
qualifiedName |
name | Table name as reported from HBase. |
description | String description metadata from HBase. |
modifiedTime | Time from HBase indicating a change to the table. Formatted as in this example: “Wed Apr 17 2019 18:32:14 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)” |
owner | Owner as reported from HBase. |
parameters | Reserved for future use. |
replicatedFrom | Reserved for future use. |
replicatedTo | Reserved for future use. |
durability | Storage property as reported from HBase. Values include true or false. |
isCompactionEnabled | Storage property as reported from HBase. Values include true or false. |
isNormalizationEnabled | Storage property as reported from HBase. Values include true or false. |
isReadOnly | |
maxFileSize | Storage property as reported from HBase. -1 indicates that no maximum was set. |
uri | Table name. |
Relationship: namespace | One namespace to many tables. hbase_table_namespace |
Relationship: column families | Column families associated with this table. hbase_table_column_families |
HBase Column Family
Identifier | Example content |
typeName | hbase_column_family |
guid | System generated ID. This value is used to identify the entity in the Atlas Dashboard URL. |
qualifiedName |
name | Column family name as reported from HBase. |
description | String description metadata from HBase. |
modifiedTime | Time from HBase indicating a change to the column family. Formatted as in this example: “Wed Apr 17 2019 18:32:14 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)” |
owner | Owner as reported from HBase. |
StoragePolicy | Value for the storagePolicy property for
the column family. Values include N/A, ALL_SSD, ONE_SSD, HOT,
blockCacheEnabled | Storage property as reported from HBase. Values include true or false. |
bloomFilterType | Value for the BLOOM_FILTER_TYPE
property for the column family. Values include NONE, ROW, or
cacheBloomsOnWrite | Boolean value for the
CACHE_BLOOMS_ON_WRITE property for the column
family. |
cacheDataOnWrite | Boolean value for the
CACHE_DATA_ON_WRITE property for the column
family. |
cacheIndexesOnWrite | Boolean value for the
CACHE_INDEX_ON_WRITE property for the column
family. |
columns | List of columns included in the column family. |
compactionCompressionType | Storage property as reported from HBase. |
compressionType | Value for the COMPRESSION property for the
column family. Values include NONE, SNAPPY, LZO, LZ4,
GZ. |
createTime | Time from HBase indicating when the column family was created. Formatted as in this example: “Wed Apr 17 2019 18:32:14 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)” |
dataBlockEncoding | The DATA_BLOCK_ENCODING property for the
column family. Values include NONE, PREFIX, DIFF, FAST_DIFF,
encryptionType | Column family encryption property. Values include “N/A”, and AES. |
evictBlocksOnClose | Boolean value for the
EVICT_BLOCKS_ON_CLOSE property for the column
family. |
inMemoryCompactionPolicy | In memory compaction behavior
(IN_MEMORY_COMPACTION ) set for the column
family. Values include NONE, BASIC, EAGER, ADAPTIVE, or
“N/A”. |
isMobEnabled | Boolean value for Medium OBject (MOB) properties for the column family (IS_MOB). |
keepDeletedCells | Boolean value for the KEEP_DELETED_CELLS
property of the column family. |
maxVersions | The maximum number of row versions this column family is configured to store. |
minVersions | The minimum number of row versions this column family is configured to store. |
mobCompactPartitionPolicy | The MOB_COMPACT_PARTITION_POLICY for this
column family. Values include DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY. |
modifiedTime | Time from HBase indicating a change to the column family. Formatted as in this example: “Wed Apr 17 2019 18:32:14 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)” |
newVersionBehavior | Boolean value for the NEW_VERSION_BEHAVIOR
property for this column family. |
prefetchBlocksOnOpen | Boolean value for PREFETCH_BLOCKS_ON_OPEN
property of the column family. |
replicatedFrom | Not used. |
replicatedTo | Not used. |
table | The table that the column family corresponds to. Also modeled as a relationship. |
ttl | Time to live (TTL) length in seconds. The TTL time encoded in the HBase for the row is specified in UTC. |
Relationship: columns | Not used. |
Relationship: table | One table to many column families.
hbase_table_column_families |