Managing Apache ZooKeeper SecurityPDF version

ZooKeeper ACLs best practices: Search

You must follow certain best practices for effective control of client access to ZNodes using the ZooKeeper access-control lists (ACLs) or permissions for Search when provisioning a secure cluster.

  • ZooKeeper Usage
    • Solr uses ZooKeeper to store cluster configuration (document collections, shard and replica configuration / location), cluster status (live servers, overseer metadata), collection configuration (schemas, settings, etc.), and security-related information (delegation tokens). The root ZNode is configurable in Cloudera Manager for each Solr service.
  • Default ACLs


    • In a non-kerberized cluster: world:anyone:cdrwa
    • With Kerberos enabled: sasl:solr:cdrwa, world:anyone:r
  • Security Best Practice ACLs/Permissions and Required Steps
    • ACLs are initialized during deployment, depending on whether Kerberos for Solr is enabled or not. Operators do not need to modify them by default.
    • When creating a new Solr collection, a set of configuration files need to be uploaded to ZooKeeper. Although it is possible to directly upload files (solrctl instancedir commands), because of ACL settings only the solr user is allowed to do this. Cloudera recommends using the Config and ConfigSets APIs (solrctl config commands) instead, which do not require direct ZooKeeper communication. As solrctl config commands communicate directly with Solr where you can configure role-based authorization using Ranger, this method is considered more secure.
    • If you disable or enable Kerberos authentication for an existing Solr service in Cloudera Manager, the ACLs in ZooKeeper are not adjusted automatically. In case of disabling Kerberos this can prevent the recently unkerberized Solr service from writing data to ZooKeeper.

      To update ZooKeeper ACLs, you need to perform the following steps:

    1. Shut down Solr.

      If you want to disable Kerberos, shut down Solr while Kerberos is still enabled. This allows you to use a valid Solr keytab.

    2. Navigate to the /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process directory:
      cd /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process
    3. Locate the current or most recent [***PROCESS_DIR_ID***]-solr-SOLR_SERVER directory, with the solr.keytab and jaas.conf files. The [***PROCESS_DIR_ID***] part changes every time the Solr server is restarted.

      To identify the current or most recent directory, list the /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/*solr* directories sorted by time in reverse as follows:

      ls -ltrd /var/run/cloudera-scm-agent/process/*solr*

      The entry at the bottom is the current or most recent process directory.

    4. Go to the Solr directory:
      cd [***PROCESS_DIR_ID***]-solr-SOLR_SERVER
    5. Copy temporarily to /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/solr/bin, to get proper logging for the script.
      cp /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/solr/bin/
    6. Export the JVM flags for ZooKeeper client to configure ACLs.
      1. To enable Kerberos-specific ACLs:
        export ZKCLI_JVM_FLAGS=" -Droot.logger=INFO,console"
      2. To enable unkerberized ACLs:
        export ZKCLI_JVM_FLAGS=" -Droot.logger=INFO,console"
    7. Run the following command to update ACLs:
      /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/solr/bin/ -zkhost [***ZOOKEEPER SERVER HOST***]:[***ZOOKEEPER CLIENT PORT***] -cmd updateacls /solr

      The default [***ZOOKEEPER CLIENT PORT***] is 2181.

    8. To verify that the ZooKeeper client uses jaas.conf and ACLs were updated, check the output of the following command:
      zookeeper-client -server [***ZOOKEEPER SERVER HOST***]:[***ZOOKEEPER CLIENT PORT***] getAcl /solr

      The default [***ZOOKEEPER CLIENT PORT***] is 2181.

      For a non-kerberized ACL setup, the command output looks like this:
      : cdrwa
      For a kerberized ACL setup, the command output looks like this:
      : cdrwa
      : r
    9. Remove from /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/solr/bin:
      rm /opt/cloudera/parcels/CDH/lib/solr/bin/