Configuring Apache Hadoop YARN SecurityPDF version

YARN Ranger authorization support compatibility matrix

Check the compatibility matrix to see what Cloudera Runtime versions support the YARN Ranger authorization support feature.

Table 1. YARN Ranger authorization support: Compatibility Matrix
SDX Cloudera Runtime Version Data Hub Cloudera Runtime ersion Fresh install or Upgraded cluster? YARN Ranger plugin enabled? YARN Ranger plugin default service name and higher 7.2.10 and higher Fresh install Yes <DE_Cluster_Name>_yarn
7.2.9 and lower 7.2.9 and lower Fresh isntall Yes cm_yarn
Source: 7.2.9 and lower

Target: 7.2.10 and higher

Source: 7.2.9 and lower

Target: 7.2.10 and higher

*Upgrade [Technical Preview] Yes cm_yarn
Source: 7.2.10

Target: 7.2.10 and higher

Source: 7.2.10

Target: 7.2.10 and higher

*Upgrade [Technical Preview] Yes <DE_Cluster_Name>_yarn