Managing and Allocating Cluster Resources using Capacity SchedulerPDF version

Managed Parent Queues

Managed Parent Queues are auto dynamic child creation enabled queues in absolute and relative resource allocation mode.

In absolute and relative modes, when you enable auto dynamic child creation for a queue it becomes a Managed Parent Queue. It cannot have static child queues, and queues under it can be created only dynamically.

In absolute and relative modes, dynamically created queues always fall under a predefined (static) queue, which is the Managed Parent Queue. This limits the nesting to only one level. In addition, the queue properties set for the Managed Parent Queue will be applied to all of its dynamically created child queues. To change the queue properties of all its dynamic child queues, you have to change the configuration at the Managed Parent Queue level.

It is possible to dynamically create queues with zero capacity by incorrectly setting the Managed Parent Queue.

For example, you can create a Managed Parent Queue and assign a percentage based minimum capacity limit of 5%, to its dynamically created child queues. In this case, at most 20 queues can function with the 5% capacity limit. This forces all the following queues to wait until a queue is released (if no application is running in a queue, its capacity is set to zero). Therefore, it is vital to design the minimum capacity limit of child queues that belong to a Managed Parent Queue in a way that takes into account the number of queues that should be running in parallel.