Examples of Audit Operations
Some examples of payload submission for audit operations.
An example of creating a Type Definition:
enumDefs: 1.days_of_week entityDefs: 1.Country 2.State 3.Vehicle relationshipDefs: 1.country_state_rel curl --location --request POST -u admin:admin 'http://car123.test1234.root.hwx.site:23400/api/atlas/v2/types/typedefs' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "enumDefs": [ { "name": "days_of_week", "typeVersion": "1.0", "elementDefs": [ { "ordinal": 1, "value": "MONDAY" }, { "ordinal": 2, "value": "TUESDAY" }, { "ordinal": 3, "value": "WEDNESDAY" }, { "ordinal": 4, "value": "THURSDAY" }, { "ordinal": 5, "value": "FRIDAY" }, { "ordinal": 6, "value": "SATURDAY" }, { "ordinal": 7, "value": "SUNDAY" } ] } ], "entityDefs": [ { "category": "ENTITY", "createdBy": "admin", "updatedBy": "admin", "createTime": 1537261952180, "updateTime": 1537262097732, "version": 1, "name": "Vehicle", "description": "desc Vehicle", "typeVersion": "1.1", "attributeDefs": [ { "name": "no_of_wheels", "typeName": "int", "isOptional": true, "cardinality": "SINGLE", "valuesMinCount": 1, "valuesMaxCount": 1, "isUnique": false, "isIndexable": false, "includeInNotification": false } ] }, { "category": "ENTITY", "createdBy": "admin", "updatedBy": "admin", "createTime": 1537261952180, "updateTime": 1537262097732, "version": 1, "name": "Country", "description": "desc Country", "typeVersion": "1.1", "attributeDefs": [ { "name": "ISD_CODE", "typeName": "string", "isOptional": false, "cardinality": "SINGLE", "valuesMinCount": 1, "valuesMaxCount": 1, "isUnique": false, "isIndexable": false, "includeInNotification": false } ] }, { "category": "ENTITY", "createdBy": "admin", "updatedBy": "admin", "createTime": 1537261952180, "updateTime": 1537262097732, "version": 1, "name": "State", "description": "desc State", "typeVersion": "1.1", "attributeDefs": [ { "name": "STD_CODE", "typeName": "string", "isOptional": false, "cardinality": "SINGLE", "valuesMinCount": 1, "valuesMaxCount": 1, "isUnique": false, "isIndexable": false, "includeInNotification": false } ] } ], "relationshipDefs": [ { "name": "country_state_rel", "typeVersion": "1.1", "relationshipCategory": "AGGREGATION", "endDef1": { "type": "Country", "name": "state_st", "isContainer": false, "cardinality": "SINGLE", "isLegacyAttribute": true }, "endDef2": { "type": "State", "name": "country_ct", "isContainer": true, "cardinality": "SET" }, "propagateTags": "NONE" } ] }'
An example of updating a Type Definition:
enumDefs:days_of_week entityDefs:Country curl --location --request PUT -u admin:admin 'http://car123.car123-1.root.hwx.site:31000/api/atlas/v2/types/typedefs' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "enumDefs": [ { "name": "days_of_week", "typeVersion": "1.0", "elementDefs": [ { "ordinal": 1, "value": "MONDAY" }, { "ordinal": 2, "value": "TUESDAY" }, { "ordinal": 3, "value": "WEDNESDAY" }, { "ordinal": 4, "value": "THURSDAY" }, { "ordinal": 5, "value": "FRIDAY" }, { "ordinal": 6, "value": "SATURDAY" }, { "ordinal": 7, "value": "SUNDAY" }, { "ordinal": 8, "value": "HOLIDAY" } ] } ], "entityDefs": [ { "category": "ENTITY", "createdBy": "admin", "updatedBy": "admin", "createTime": 1537261952180, "updateTime": 1537262097732, "version": 1, "name": "Country", "description": "desc Country Updated", "typeVersion": "1.1", "attributeDefs": [ { "name": "ISD_CODE", "typeName": "string", "isOptional": false, "cardinality": "SINGLE", "valuesMinCount": 1, "valuesMaxCount": 1, "isUnique": false, "isIndexable": false, "includeInNotification": false } ] } ] }'
An example of deleting a Type Definition:
curl --location --request DELETE -u admin:admin 'http://car123.car123-1.root.hwx.site:31000/api/atlas/v2/types/typedef/name/Vehicle'
An example of exporting an Atlas entity:
'{ "itemsToExport": [ { "typeName": "DB", "uniqueAttributes": { "name": "Sales" }}, { "typeName": "DB", "uniqueAttributes": { "name": "Reporting" }}, { "typeName": "DB", "uniqueAttributes": { "name": "Logging" }} ], "options": { "fetchType": "full" } }'
For additional reference related to exporting entities, see https://atlas.apache.org/#/ExportAPI.
An example of importing an Atlas entity:
Performing an import operation should create an entry in the audits tab.
For additional reference related to exporting entities, see https://atlas.apache.org/#/ImportAPI.