Gets the metadata about extension bundle versions across all authorized buckets with optional filters applied. If the user is not authorized to any buckets, an empty list will be returned.
GET /bundles/versions
Gets the metadata about extension bundle versions across all authorized buckets with optional filters applied. If the user is not authorized to any buckets, an empty list will be returned.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Query |
artifactId optional |
Optional artifactId to filter results. The value may be an exact match, or a wildcard, such as 'nifi-%' to select all bundle versions where the artifactId starts with 'nifi-'. |
string |
Query |
groupId optional |
Optional groupId to filter results. The value may be an exact match, or a wildcard, such as 'com.%' to select all bundle versions where the groupId starts with 'com.'. |
string |
Query |
version optional |
Optional version to filter results. The value maye be an exact match, or a wildcard, such as '1.0.%' to select all bundle versions where the version starts with '1.0.'. |
string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 |
successful operation |
< BundleVersionMetadata > array |
401 |
Client could not be authenticated. |
No Content |
Type | Name |
apiKey |
Authorization |
Request path
Request query
"artifactId" : "string",
"groupId" : "string",
"version" : "string"
Response 200
[ {
"link" : {
"href" : "string",
"params" : {
"string" : "string"
"id" : "string",
"bundleId" : "string",
"bucketId" : "string",
"groupId" : "string",
"artifactId" : "string",
"version" : "string",
"timestamp" : 0,
"author" : "string",
"description" : "string",
"sha256" : "string",
"sha256Supplied" : true,
"contentSize" : 0,
"systemApiVersion" : "string",
"buildInfo" : {
"buildTool" : "string",
"buildFlags" : "string",
"buildBranch" : "string",
"buildTag" : "string",
"buildRevision" : "string",
"built" : 0,
"builtBy" : "string"
} ]