After installing the Load Balancer, you must reconfigure the existing Embedded Container Service (ECS) Agents to ECS
Servers. This process is referred to as promoting the agents to servers. You must promote
only one agent at a time.
In this example we will promote the ECS agent on and then
promote the ECS agent on
In Cloudera Manager, select the ECS cluster, then click
ECS. Stop the ECS agent running on agent1 and then
delete the agent.
In ECS, click Add Role Instances.
Add the available host agent1 as an ECS server in the
Add Role Instances to ECS pop-up. Click
Click Continue.
Start the new ECS server from the ECS Instances view. For example, start the
ECS server on agent1.
Confirm the node’s status from the Web UI or the command line by running the
following command:
sudo /var/lib/rancher/rke2/bin/kubectl --kubeconfig=/etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml get nodes
When agent1 is ready, you can promote agent2. To promote agent2, perform steps 1-8
again using