To enable CDSW to fetch custom engines from a secure repository, as Administrator you
need to add Docker registry credentials.
Create a
secret named regcred
for your
secured Docker registry.
The following command creates the secret in your Kubernetes cluster:
kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred
--docker-server=<server host> --docker-username=<username>
--docker-password=<password> -n <compute namespace eg. default>
Retrieve the above secret as a yaml file by entering the following:
kubectl get secret regcred --output=yaml -n
<compute namespace eg. default> > k8s-secret-regcred.yaml
Place the yaml file in the master node located at
Set the file visibility for root only.
Restart CDSW service to pick up the new secret.
Launch a Session>Model>Job>Experiment using the engine image from the secured
Docker registry.