CDSW in Cloudera ManagerPDF version

Starting, Stopping, and Restarting the Service

You can start, top, and restart Cloudera Data Science Workbench services.

On Cloudera Data Science Workbench 1.4.0 (and lower), do not stop or restart Cloudera Data Science Workbench without using the script. This is to help avoid the data loss issue detailed in TSB-346.

Points to Remember

  • Make sure to stop the CDSW service when doing any work on the nodes, including upgrading the OS or upgrading Cloudera Manager.
  • After a restart, the Cloudera Data Science Workbench service in Cloudera Manager will display Good health even though the Cloudera Data Science Workbench web application might need a few more minutes to get ready to serve requests.

  • The CDSW service must be restarted every time client configuration is redeployed to the Cloudera Data Science Workbench hosts.

  1. Log into the Cloudera Manager Admin Console.
  2. On the Home > Status tab, click to the right of the CDSW service and select the action (Start, Stop, or Restart) you want to perform from the dropdown.
  3. Confirm your choice on the next screen. When you see a Finished status, the action is complete.