This section lists the packages in Python 3.8 Workbench Runtimes that ship with ML
Runtimes 2023.08.2.
Table 1. Packages in Python 3.8.16 Workbench Runtimes - Standard
Library |
Version |
argcomplete |
2.0.0 |
asttokens |
2.2.1 |
backcall |
0.2.0 |
bitarray |
2.6.0 |
certifi |
2023.7.22 |
charset-normalizer |
2.0.6 |
comm |
0.1.3 |
contourpy |
1.0.7 |
cycler |
0.11.0 |
debugpy |
1.6.7 |
decorator |
4.4.2 |
entrypoints |
0.4 |
executing |
1.2.0 |
fonttools |
4.39.3 |
idna |
3.2 |
importlib-metadata |
4.11.3 |
importlib-resources |
5.12.0 |
impyla |
0.18.0 |
ipykernel |
6.22.0 |
ipython |
8.10.0 |
jedi |
0.18.2 |
jupyter-client |
7.2.2 |
jupyter_core |
5.3.0 |
kerberos |
1.3.1 |
kiwisolver |
1.4.4 |
matplotlib |
3.7.0 |
matplotlib-inline |
0.1.3 |
nest-asyncio |
1.5.5 |
numpy |
1.22.0 |
packaging |
23.1 |
parso |
0.8.3 |
pexpect |
4.8.0 |
pickleshare |
0.7.5 |
Pillow |
9.3.0 |
platformdirs |
3.5.0 |
prompt-toolkit |
3.0.38 |
psutil |
5.9.5 |
ptyprocess |
0.6.0 |
pure-eval |
0.2.2 |
pure-sasl |
0.6.2 |
py4j | |
Pygments |
2.15.1 |
pyparsing |
3.0.9 |
python-dateutil |
2.8.2 |
pyzmq |
22.3.0 |
requests |
2.31.0 |
six |
1.16.0 |
stack-data |
0.6.2 |
thrift |
0.16.0 |
thrift-sasl |
0.4.3 |
tornado |
6.3.2 |
traitlets |
5.9.0 |
typing_extensions |
4.3.0 |
urllib3 |
1.26.6 |
wcwidth |
0.2.5 |
zipp |
3.15.0 |
Table 2. Packages in Python 3.8.16 Workbench Runtimes - Nvidia GPU Edition
Library |
Version |
argcomplete |
2.0.0 |
asttokens |
2.2.1 |
backcall |
0.2.0 |
bitarray |
2.6.0 |
certifi |
2023.7.22 |
charset-normalizer |
2.0.6 |
comm |
0.1.3 |
contourpy |
1.0.7 |
cycler |
0.11.0 |
debugpy |
1.6.7 |
decorator |
4.4.2 |
entrypoints |
0.4 |
executing |
1.2.0 |
fonttools |
4.39.3 |
idna |
3.2 |
importlib-metadata |
4.11.3 |
importlib-resources |
5.12.0 |
impyla |
0.18.0 |
ipykernel |
6.22.0 |
ipython |
8.10.0 |
jedi |
0.18.2 |
jupyter-client |
7.2.2 |
jupyter_core |
5.3.0 |
kerberos |
1.3.1 |
kiwisolver |
1.4.4 |
matplotlib |
3.7.0 |
matplotlib-inline |
0.1.3 |
nest-asyncio |
1.5.5 |
numpy |
1.22.0 |
packaging |
23.1 |
parso |
0.8.3 |
pexpect |
4.8.0 |
pickleshare |
0.7.5 |
Pillow |
9.3.0 |
platformdirs |
3.5.0 |
prompt-toolkit |
3.0.38 |
psutil |
5.9.5 |
ptyprocess |
0.6.0 |
pure-eval |
0.2.2 |
pure-sasl |
0.6.2 |
py4j | |
Pygments |
2.15.1 |
pyparsing |
3.0.9 |
python-dateutil |
2.8.2 |
pyzmq |
22.3.0 |
requests |
2.31.0 |
six |
1.16.0 |
stack-data |
0.6.2 |
thrift |
0.16.0 |
thrift-sasl |
0.4.3 |
tornado |
6.3.2 |
traitlets |
5.9.0 |
typing_extensions |
4.3.0 |
urllib3 |
1.26.6 |
wcwidth |
0.2.5 |
zipp |
3.15.0 |