Apache MiNiFi Java Agent

This section provides information about what you need to know to start working with the MiNiFi Java agent.

The guide presents the major updates, fixed issues, and known issues for the different releases of MiNiFi Java agent. It also contains the list of supported processors that you can use with your MiNiFi Java agent.

The guide provides information about steps that you need to perform before you install the MiNiFi Java agent, steps to install the MiNiFi Java agent, steps to configure it, and then steps to start the agent.

The guide provides information about how to upgrade your MiNiFi Java agents.

The guide provides information about how to monitor status of your flow by using MiNiFi Java, load a new dataflow to run by using MiNiFi Java, and stop MiNiFi Java agents.

The guide presents the properties that you need to configure for setting TLS for your MiNiFi Java agent.