Configuring users for running MiNiFi Java on Windows
Learn how to configure the MiNiFi Java MSI. The MSI file adds the Windows service for
MiNiFi Java. The service is configured to be run by either a local user in the computer, or a
domain user in the Active Directory.
Using a Local User for MiNiFi Java Windows Service🔗
There is no prerequisite to use a local user for the Windows service. The installer
automatically sets up the user.
The installer also grants the following privileges to the specified user:
If the computer is a part of a domain, then the Local User checkbox
appears in the MiNiFi setup window. Check the Local User checkbox to
specify that a local user is used to execute the installed service.
If a user specified in MiNiFi service username does not exist, the installer creates one with
the specified MiNiFi service password. If the user already exists, the installer updates its
password with the specified password.
Using a Domain User for MiNiFi Java Windows Service🔗
Before you begin, ensure the following:
The computer must be part of the domain.
The specified user must exist in the domain, and a correct password must be provided.
ActiveDirectory PowerShell module must be available.
In the Group Policy Management Editor, set permission to
Log on as a service.
Navigate to a machine where MiNiFi Java is installed and enter the following command:
The gpupdate command is a machine-wide command and can be executed
from any directory on the MiNiFi machine.
Install the ActiveDirectory PowerShell module by entering the following in the PowerShell console:
Add-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell
In the MiNiFi setup window, uncheck the Local User checkbox, and
then click Install.
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