Agents heartbeating to EFM
Learn about the estimated number of requests, latencies, CPU usage, memory usage, and network usage when agents heartbeat to Edge Flow Manager (EFM).
After all agents have successfully registered in the previous test, the same agent class and the agents are reused in this scenario. Agents are brought online in 1 minute with a heartbeat interval of 60 seconds. Each agent heartbeats 25 times and then exits. Because the agents are brought online almost at the same time, you see a steep increase in the heartbeat TPS at the start of the test and a steep decrease in the heartbeat TPS at the end of the test.
The goal of the test is to see that the system is able to serve the agents’ heartbeat requests under maximum TPS during a longer period of time.
Number of requests

Most of the time latencies are below 100 ms with peaking up in 2 seconds.

CPU usage
CPU usage is measured in two ways. The first chart shows the JVM level metrics, and the second chart shows values measured by Kubernetes. The results are in line with each other. Since you have 6 CPUs allocated, the peak CPU consumption of approximately 16-25 percent is equal to 1.0-1.5 CPU cores.

Memory usage
The heap consumption fluctuates between 1.5 GB and 7.5 GB with maximum garbage collection pauses of 50 ms - 100 ms; sometimes peaking up to 400 ms.

Network usage
The aggregated network inbound rate tops out at approximately 25 MB/s, 8 MB/s per EFM node, and 1 MB/s for the database instance. Output traffic rate is lower than 10 MB/s at the peak.