Release NotesPDF version

What's new in Edge Flow Manager

Edge Flow Manager (EFM) enables you to manage, control, and monitor agents that are deployed on the edge devices in IoT implementations. You can use these agents to collect real-time data originating from the devices to create and push actionable intelligence and insights to the place of data origin.

Edge Flow Manager is a feature release with new features, performance improvements, and bug fixes, including:
Moving to Java 17 / Spring 6 / Spring Boot 3

In this major release, Edge Flow Manager moves to the Java 17 long-term support (LTS) version as the minimum Java version requirement for running the application. This transition also facilitates the upgrade to the latest Spring and Spring Boot versions, delivering improved stability, performance and security.

LDAP integration

In addition to OIDC and SAML, this release introduces LDAP integration. This integration allows group assignment information to come from IdP so it can be managed externally outside EFM. The LDAP-based login functionality has also been added.

For more information, see Managing user groups using LDAP.

Infinispan replacing Hazelcast as the underlying caching solution

Infinispan comes with built-in cluster communication security, so the separate Stunnel configuration became obsolete. This change also enables EFM cluster scalability.

For more information, see EFM cluster configuration and Securing an EFM cluster.

Removal of deprecated Parameter Context endpoint(s)

In this release, all /parameter-contexts endpoints that were responsible for parameter context mapping have been removed. These endpoints were not exposed on the UI and were only accessible through direct REST calls. Due to confusion around their usage, parameter context mappings have been moved to their corresponding Resource (Agent or Flow). As Agent Class level parameter contexts are not used and they have 1 to 1 mapping with Flow Parameter Contexts, the Agent Class level mapping will be completely removed in the next major release.

For more information, see the Swagger REST API documentation.

Removal of Event Driven Scheduling Strategy for Java agents
The Event-Driven Scheduling Strategy has been removed from EFM for all MiNiFi Java agent versions starting from this release. This aligns with NiFi’s removal of this strategy starting from NiFi 2.0.
Agent Deployer generally available

Agent Deployer functionality has transitioned from its Technical Preview status and is now generally available.

Database support changes
  • Support for MariaDB 10.2 and 10.3 has been dropped
  • Support for MariaDB 10.11 has been added
  • Support for PostgreSQL 10 and 11 has been dropped
  • Support for PostgreSQL 14.x, 15.x and 16.x has been added
JDK support changes

Support for JDK8 and 11 has been dropped. For more information, see Moving to Java 17 / Spring 6 / Spring Boot 3.