Using MiNiFi Java Agent Container ImagePDF version

Use the container in standalone mode

Learn how to use the docker container in standalone mode.

The docker container can be used in standalone mode by providing the configuration files as a mounted volume.
docker run -d  \ 
	-v /minifi_configs/conf:/opt/minifi/minifi-current/conf/ \<TAG>
It is also recommended to use the repository folders as mounted volumes, so the state of the agent will be persisted if you stop or restart the docker.
docker run -d  \ 
	-v /minifi_configs/conf:/opt/minifi/minifi-current/conf/ \ 
	-v /minifi_configs/logs:/opt/minifi/minifi-current/logs/ \ 
	-v /minifi_configs/database_repository:/opt/minifi/minifi-current/database_repository/ \ 
	-v /minifi_configs/flowfile_repository:/opt/minifi/minifi-current/flowfile_repository/ \ 
	-v /minifi_configs/content_repository:/opt/minifi/minifi-current/content_repository/ \ 
	-v /minifi_configs/provenance_repository:/opt/minifi/minifi-current/provenance_repository/ \ 
	-v /minifi_configs/state:/opt/minifi/minifi-current/state/ \<TAG>

The /minifi_configs needs to be replaced with the correct path of your local file system.

If the containerized MiNiFi Java instance is connected to an EFM instance through secure connection, you should also provide the certificates for the container. In case these certificates are found in the certs directory under the /home/user directory, you can mount it by adding the -v /home/user/certs:/certs to the previous command.

In this case, you have to make sure that the keystore and truststore properties are pointing to the correct files in the bootstrap.conf file:

For example,
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