Using CEMPDF version

Monitoring deployments in CEM

Learn the options, available in the Dashboard screen, that enable you to monitor C2 server and agent deployments. The Dashboard is the initial page in the Cloudera Edge Management (CEM) UI.

Click the Monitor icon () to navigate to the Dashboard screen as shown in the following image:

CEM provides the following details for deployments:
  • Status
    • Good Health: Recent heartbeats are received from all of the agents in the agent class.
    • Concerning Health: Some of the agents did not send heartbeat for the time period defined in the efm.monitor.maxHeartbeatInterval property.
    • Bad Health: None of the agents sent heartbeats in the given class for the time period defined in the efm.monitor.maxHeartbeatInterval property.
    • Unknown Health: Agents for this class may have not yet registered or heartbeat intervals cannot be determined.
  • Class Name
  • Number of Agents

    The count of assigned agents (Online + Missing) to the given agent class.

  • Last Flow Updated

    The time of the latest flow update of the given agent class.

  • Updated Agents

    Shows the current status of the last batched command, for example, flow publish, property update. While there are missing agents in a class, batched commands can not fully complete.

  • Arrow icon

    Click the arrow icon to fetch more details about the deployment. You can monitor metrics and alerts details for your deployment in two different tabs.

Click the arrow icon in the Dashboard page to fetch more details for your deployment. The Metrics tab appears as shown in the following image:

The Metrics tab displays the following details:
  • Information

    This section displays details about the class including flow ID, latest flow version, and Grafana dashboard link if you enabled it. For more information, see Monitoring Metrics with Grafana.

  • Repositories (Class Average)

    Usage details of the repositories of the agents in the agent class.

  • Connection Queues (Class Average)

    Aggregate views of all the connections throughout the agents in the selected class.

The Alerts tab displays the alert messages associated with the agent class.

Click the arrow icon in the Dashboard page, and then go to the Alerts tab to fetch alert messages along with the time they are raised at for your deployment, as shown in the following image:

You can scroll through the alerts to see more alerts in the system. Each alert has an arrow beside it, and you can click it to fetch more details about that alert.

Click the View all alerts link to navigate to the Edge Events page which is filtered by alert event type, as shown in the following image:

Agent class level commands can be initiated through this option.

  • Edit Agent Configuration
    The Edit Agent Configuration action enables you to change a range of agent properties using EFM.
    Click Actions > Edit Agent Configuration. The Edit Agent Configuration dialog appears:

    Select a property which you want to update in the Property Name field, provide the desired value for that property in the Value field, and click Apply.

    You can also update multiple properties at the same time. To do so, use the Add button and repeat the previous steps.

    The command is sent to the agents only after you click the Apply button. All agents in the agent class are notified about the required updates in their next heartbeat, so updating the values depends on the heartbeat interval configured. The status of the ongoing property update command can be followed in the Dashboard view.

    You can see that property update is possible only on class level (not individual agent level). This is because Cloudera wants to enforce configuration consistency between the agents under the same agent class. To read about how to view a specific agent’s configuration, see Configuration tab section in Agent details in CEM.

  • Manage Agents

    To get the list of agents assigned to the current agent class, click the Manage Agents option from the Actions dropdown. For more details about how to manage agents, see Managing agents in CEM.