InstallationPDF version

Uninstalling MiNiFi Java Agent on Linux

Learn how to uninstall the MiNiFi Java Agent on your Linux system.

Follow this procedure if the MiNiFi agent was started without being installed as a service, using either the start or run command.
  1. Stop the MiNiFi agent using the following command.
    [<<path_to_minifi_directory>>]/bin/ stop
  2. Remove the installation directory using the following command.
    rm -rf [<<path_to_minifi_directory>>]

    For example, if you have installed the MiNiFi agent under /opt/cloudera/minifi, you can run the following commands:

    /opt/cloudera/minifi/bin/ stop && rm -rf /opt/cloudera/minifi

Follow this procedure if the MiNiFi agent was installed as a service with the bin/ install [<<serviceName>>] command.
  1. Stop the MiNiFi service using the following command.
    systemctl stop [<<service_name>>]
  2. Remove the service script using the following command.
    rm -rf /etc/init.d/[<<service_name>>]
  3. Navigate to the MiNiFi directory and remove its contents with the following commands.
    cd [<<minifi_directory>>]; rm -rf *
    For example, if you have installed the MiNiFi service named dataflow under /opt/cloudera/minifi, you can run the following commands:
    systemctl stop dataflow; rm -rf /etc/init.d/dataflow; cd /opt/cloudera/minifi; rm -rf *