Edge Flow Manager

This section provides essential information for working with Edge Flow Manager, covering setup, configuration, security, integration, and management tasks.

This document presents the major updates, fixed issues, and known issues for this release of Edge Flow Manager. It also provides information on the Edge Flow Manager repository location.

This guide provides step by step instructions for setting up Edge Flow Manager, including pre-installation requirements, database setup, installation, configuration, and starting Edge Flow Manager.

This guide provides information about how to upgrade Edge Flow Manager.

This guide provides comprehensive information on securing Cloudera Edge Management. It covers TLS configurations, user authentication through SSO, access control policies, and configuring an identity provider for SSO to secure Edge Flow Manager.

This guide provides information on how to use parameters to set values for processors and service properties within a flow, including sensitive properties.es.

This guide provides detailed information on how to export and import dataflows using REST API and Swagger.

This guide shows how to integrate Edge Flow Manager with Apache Kafka to forward agent heartbeats to designated Kafka topics.

This guide shows how to trigger asset push commands to agents of a specific agent class through Swagger UI.

This guide shows how to encrypt sensitive properties within the Edge Flow Manager configuration file.

This guide shows how to enable Edge Flow Manager to listen to separate ports for UI and C2 requests.

This guide provides information about the requirements and steps to deploy an Edge Flow Manager cluster.

This guide shows how to configure application logging in Cloudera Edge Management, including information on including log types, retention policies, and supported logging outputs.

This guide helps you to understand agent manifests, including all extension components, processors, and controller services, and their configuration.

This guide provides best practices on how to configure Edge Flow Manager to handle bulk operation updates efficiently.