MiNiFi Java Agent processor support
Review the comprehensive list of processors that MiNiFi Java Agent supports out-of-the-box.
Supported processors
AttributesToCSV | ListenUDPRecord |
AttributesToJSON | LogAttribute |
CalculateRecordStats | LogMessage |
CompressContent | LookupAttribute |
ControlRate | LookupRecord |
ConvertCharacterSet | MergeContent |
ConvertJSONToSQL | MergeRecord |
ConvertRecord | ModifyBytes |
CountText | MonitorActivity |
CryptographicHashContent | Notify |
DebugFlow | PackageFlowFile |
DeduplicateRecord | ParseCEF |
DetectDuplicate | ParseSyslog |
DistributeLoad | ParseSyslog5424 |
DuplicateFlowFile | PartitionRecord |
EncodeContent | PutDatabaseRecord |
EnforceOrder | PutDistributedMapCache |
EvaluateJsonPath | PutEmail |
EvaluateXPath | PutFTP |
EvaluateXQuery | PutFile |
ExecuteProcess | PutRecord |
ExecuteSQL | PutSFTP |
ExecuteSQLRecord | PutSQL |
ExecuteStreamCommand | PutSyslog |
ExtractGrok | PutTCP |
ExtractRecordSchema | PutUDP |
ExtractText | QueryDatabaseTable |
FetchDistributedMapCache | QueryDatabaseTableRecord |
FetchFTP | QueryRecord |
FetchFile | RemoveRecordField |
FetchSFTP | RenameRecordField |
FilterAttribute | ReplaceText |
FlattenJson | ReplaceTextWithMapping |
ForkEnrichment | RetryFlowFile |
ForkRecord | RouteOnAttribute |
GenerateFlowFile | RouteOnContent |
GenerateRecord | RouteText |
GenerateTableFetch | SampleRecord |
GetFTP | ScanAttribute |
GetFile | ScanContent |
GetSFTP | SegmentContent |
HandleHttpRequest | SplitContent |
HandleHttpResponse | SplitJson |
IdentifyMimeType | SplitRecord |
InvokeHTTP | SplitText |
JoinEnrichment | SplitXml |
JoltTransformJSON | TailFile |
ListDatabaseTables | TransformXml |
ListFTP | UnpackContent |
ListFile | UpdateCounter |
ListSFTP | UpdateDatabaseTable |
ListenFTP | UpdateRecord |
ListenHTTP | ValidateCsv |
ListenRELP | ValidateJson |
ListenSyslog | ValidateRecord |
ListenTCP | ValidateXml |
ListenTCPRecord | Wait |
ListenUDP |
Compatibility with Cloudera Flow Management NARs
CEM-AGENTS-JAVA is compatible with CFM- NARs. For the list of supported Apache NiFi 2.0 extensions, see Supported NiFi extensions.
To incorporate NARs from Cloudera Flow Management into CEM-AGENTS-JAVA, follow these steps:
- Download the required NARs from the Cloudera repository.
- Place the downloaded NARs into the <MINIFI_AGENT_HOME>/extensions directory.