InstallationPDF version

Installing Cloudera Manager and Cloudera Base on premises

Before installing Cloudera Edge Management, you need to set up Cloudera Base on premises with Cloudera Manager.

  • Make sure you have installed a JDK.
  • If you intend to use an external database, ensure you have installed and configured it.

See the Cloudera Base on premises Installation Guide for comprehensive instructions on installing Cloudera Manager and a Cloudera Base on premises cluster. Ensure to perform the following minimum steps.

  1. Install Cloudera Base on premises.
  2. Enable Auto-TLS and Kerberos.

    For details on security options and recommendations, see the Cloudera Edge Management Security documentation.

    As Cloudera Edge Management has no dependency on any other Cloudera Base on premises service, you do not need to install additional services.

When the Cloudera Base on premises cluster installation is ready, add the Cloudera Edge Management parcel and CSD files.

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