InstallationPDF version

Installing Cloudera Edge Management parcel and CSD files

To set up Cloudera Edge Management on a Cloudera Base on premises cluster, you need to add the Cloudera Edge Management parcel to your cluster using Cloudera Manager, making the Cloudera Edge Management service available for installation. Additionally, you also need to upload the Cloudera Edge Management Custom Service Descriptor (CSD) files to the default CSD directory. These files contain crucial configuration information required to describe and manage the new service effectively.

  • You have installed a JDK. For more information, see Installing the JDK.
  • You have installed and configured a database for use with Edge Flow Management. For more information, see Installing and configuring a database for Cloudera Edge Management.
  • You have installed a Cloudera Base on premises cluster. For more information, see the Cloudera Base on premises Installation Guide.
  1. Log into Cloudera Manager.
  2. Navigate to the Parcels page by selecting Hosts > Parcels.
  3. Click Parcel Repository & Network Settings.
  4. Add the Repository URL.
    1. On the Parcel Repository & Network Settings page, click + to add an additional row in the Remote Parcel Repository URLs list.
    2. Add the URL of the Cloudera Edge Management parcel repository where the parcel file that you intend to install is hosted.

    RHEL/CentOS 7

    RHEL/CentOS 8

    RHEL/CentOS 8

    Ubuntu 20

    See Download locations for a complete list of parcel links.

  5. Click Save & Verify Configuration.
    The new Cloudera Edge Management parcel is displayed on the Parcels page.
  6. Click Download next to Cloudera Edge Management to download the parcel to the local repository.
  7. When the download is completed, click Distribute to distribute the parcel to all clusters.
  8. Download the CSD files from the Cloudera Edge Management repository and place them in the default CSD directory: /opt/cloudera/csd

    For more information, see Download locations.

  9. Change the ownership of the CSD files.

    In /opt/cloudera/csd, enter:

    chown cloudera-scm:cloudera-scm /opt/cloudera/csd/*
    chmod 644 /opt/cloudera/csd/*
  10. Restart the Cloudera Manager Server.
    sudo service cloudera-scm-server restart
  11. Go back to Cloudera Manager, click Clusters > Cloudera Management Service and click Actions > Restart to restart the service.
  12. Navigate to the Parcels page by selecting Hosts > Parcels.
  13. Click Activate next to Cloudera Edge Management in the parcel list to activate the Cloudera Edge Management parcel.
  14. Click OK when confirmation is required.

You have completed your Cloudera Base on premises installation. You can now proceed with installing, securing, and configuring Cloudera Edge Management.

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