TLS key and certificate examples
Review the following examples to understand how to implement Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption in Cloudera Edge Management.
You need a Root Certificate Authority (CA) to sign the generated certificates. If you do not have one, it can be generated. Cloudera does not recommend using self-signed certificates for production environments.
openssl genrsa -out root.key openssl req -new -x509 -key root.key -out root.crt
Example 1 - Generating Edge Flow Manager certificates with one private key entry
Use the following commands to generate a keystore and a truststore for Edge Flow Manager with a single private key entry. Use a secure password and change the dname and the SAN entry of the certificate to match your specific use case.
keytool -keystore efm_keystore.pkcs12 -keypass changeIt -storepass changeIt -alias server -validity 365 -genkey -keyalg RSA -ext -dname "CN=node1"
keytool -keystore efm_keystore.pkcs12 -storepass changeIt -alias server -certreq -file server.unsigned.crt -ext openssl x509 -req -CA root.crt -CAkey root.key -in server.unsigned.crt -out server.signed.crt -days 365 -CAcreateserial -copy_extensions copyall
keytool -keystore efm_keystore.pkcs12 -storepass changeIt -alias CARoot -import -file root.crt keytool -keystore efm_keystore.pkcs12 -storepass changeIt -alias server -import -file server.signed.crt
keytool -keystore efm_truststore.pkcs12 -keypass changeIt -storepass changeIt -alias CARoot -import -file root.crt
Example 2 - Generating Edge Flow Manager certificates with two private key entries
Use the following commands to generate a keystore and a truststore for Edge Flow Manager with multiple private key entries: one for the Edge Flow Manager - WEB communication (server) and one for Edge Flow Manager internal communication (service). Use a secure password and change the dname and the SAN entry of the certificate to match your specific use case.
keytool -keystore efm_keystore.pkcs12 -keypass changeIt -storepass changeIt -alias server -validity 365 -genkey -keyalg RSA -ext -dname "CN=node1" keytool -keystore efm_keystore.pkcs12 -keypass changeIt -storepass changeIt -alias service -validity 365 -genkey -keyalg RSA -dname "CN=service"
keytool -keystore efm_keystore.pkcs12 -storepass changeIt -alias server -certreq -file server.unsigned.crt -ext openssl x509 -req -CA root.crt -CAkey root.key -in server.unsigned.crt -out server.signed.crt -days 365 -CAcreateserial -copy_extensions copyall keytool -keystore efm_keystore.pkcs12 -storepass changeIt -alias service -certreq -file service.unsigned.crt openssl x509 -req -CA root.crt -CAkey root.key -in service.unsigned.crt -out service.signed.crt -days 365 -CAcreateserial -copy_extensions copyall
keytool -keystore efm_keystore.pkcs12 -storepass changeIt -alias CARoot -import -file root.crt keytool -keystore efm_keystore.pkcs12 -storepass changeIt -alias server -import -file server.signed.crt keytool -keystore efm_keystore.pkcs12 -storepass changeIt -alias service -import -file service.signed.crt
keytool -keystore efm_truststore.pkcs12 -keypass changeIt -storepass test1234 -alias CARoot -import -file root.crt
Example 3 - Generating agent certificates
Use the following commands to generate a keystore and a truststore for agents with a single private key entry. Use a secure password and change the dname and the SAN entry of the certificate to match your specific use case.
keytool -keystore agent_keystore.pkcs12 -keypass changeIt -storepass changeIt -alias agent -validity 365 -genkey -keyalg RSA -ext -dname "CN=agent"
keytool -keystore agent_keystore.pkcs12 -storepass changeIt -alias agent -certreq -file agent.unsigned.cert -ext openssl x509 -req -CA root.crt -CAkey root.key -in agent.unsigned.cert -out agent.signed.cert -days 365 -CAcreateserial -copy_extensions copyall
keytool -keystore agent_keystore.pkcs12 -storepass changeIt -alias CARoot -import -file root.crt keytool -keystore agent_keystore.pkcs12 -storepass changeIt -alias agent -import -file agent.signed.cert
keytool -keystore agent_truststore.pkcs12 -keypass changeIt -storepass test1234 -alias CARoot -import -file root.crt