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Configuring LDAP authentication

Learn about the properties that you need to set for configuring LDAP authentication.

Edge Flow Manager supports username/password authentication using LDAP. Before configuring LDAP, ensure that Edge Flow Manager is already configured for TLS and user authentication is enabled with the following properties:
    Set to true to enable Edge Flow Manager user authentication. You need to configure an authentication method such as MTLS, OIDC, SAML, KNOX, or LDAP.
    Edge Flow Manager issues access tokens when a user is authenticated. Specify the duration of the token’s validity. The default value is 12 h.
  1. Update the Edge Flow Manager configuration file with the following LDAP authentication properties.
      Use it to enable LDAP authentication in Edge Flow Manager.
      Use this filter to search for users against (for example: uid={0}). The user’s specified name is inserted into '{0}'.
  2. Configure the following LDAP user search properties.
      Define the base DN to search for users (for example: ou=users,o=efm).
      Specify the object class used to identify users (for example: person).
      Set the search scope for user searches. Possible values are ONE_LEVEL, OBJECT, or SUBTREE.
      Optionally, you can specify the attribute used to extract user identity (for example: cn). If not set, the entire DN is used.
  3. Once EFM is started with the above configuration, open the site to get redirected to the login page.

    On this page, you can log in with your username (as defined by the LDAP identity attribute value) and your password.

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