Using Cloudera Edge ManagementPDF version

Managing resources

Resource Manager in the Edge Flow Manager UI extends the Asset Push functionality. It allows you to manage existing assets and extensions, upload new assets and extensions, assign them to selected agent classes, and deploy new MiNiFi extensions or ML models at runtime.

Unlike Asset Push, Resource Manager works for both new and offline agents, ensuring they receive the new files. It functions in secure and unsecure environments as well. For secure environments, establish a secure connection between Edge Flow Manager and the agents. For more information about setting up a secure connection, see TLS configuration for Cloudera Edge Management.

All resources are listed on the Resource Manager page. When you upload a new resource , it is automatically synchronized between the Edge Flow Manager nodes. Only users with an Operator role can upload and delete resources, or assign them to agent classes.

You can edit the name of an existing resource, and download or delete it using the pop-up menu at the end of each resource row.

Click Add New Resource to upload new resources. In the Add New Resource pop-up, you can upload a single file or a batch of files at once. If you upload one file at a time, you can change its name. For batch uploads, you can only edit file names one by one from the Resource Manager page.

Specify the agents’ resource location using the Relative path on the agent field. This is relative to the path set with the efm.resourcemanager.repositoryPath property.

You can upload assets or extensions. Agents will start to download the new resources after their next heartbeat. If a download fails, the agent will retry the download in the next heartbeat iteration. On the agent, assets are downloaded to the asset directory, and extensions are downloaded to the extensions directory within the agent's base path.

The Resources tab is available on the agent class details page, if the class contains agents that are compatible with resource assignment.

On this tab, you can see all assigned resources and assign new ones.
Click Assign Resource to see and select available resources for assignment.

To start downloading the selected resources to the agents, you have to save the new assignments on the agent class details page. You can review and modify the new assignment before saving.

You can find here the key resource management properties, which help configure synchronization, caching, and operational parameters, ensuring smooth and efficient management of resources across nodes and agents.

Property name Dafault value Description
efm.resourcemanager.resourceManagerPort 9010 Port for the resource synchronization endpoint
efm.resourcemanager.nodeAliveTtl 5 sec Time-to-live after which a node is considered unavailable
efm.resourcemanager.resourceSynchronizationTriggerInterval 5 sec Interval at which resource synchronization between nodes is triggered
efm.resourcemanager.nodeResourceCacheUpdateTriggerInterval 2 sec Interval at which the resource list cache of the nodes is updated
efm.resourcemanager.repositoryPath resources Path to repository where Edge Flow Manager stores uploaded resources
efm.resourcemanager.blockSyncResourceReTriggerDuration 10 minutes Duration for which Edge Flow Manager blocks re-triggering the SYNC RESOURCE operation
efm.operation.monitoring.rollingOperationsSize.sync.resource 10 Maximum number of resources sent to agents at once