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Kerberos Authentication

Authenticate your cluster by enabling Kerberos.

When you add NiFi or NiFi Registry to a kerberized environment, Cloudera Manager provides the Enable Kerberos Authentication option for the NiFi and NiFi Registry services.

The Enable Kerberos Authentication option is the UI label for the kerberos.auth.enabled parameter.

By default, the option is checked (parameter set to true) when you add NiFi or NiFi Registry and selecting a dependent service that is kerberized.

The parameter enables the Kerberos Login Identity Provider which allows access to the NiFi/NiFi Registry UI using a Kerberos principal and password.

When the option is enabled, NiFi and NiFi Registry use Kerberos to interact with external systems such as Ranger and Atlas. If the option is not enabled in a kerberized environment, NiFi and NiFi Registry fail to authenticate to external systems.

Alternatively, when Kerberos is enabled you may also authenticate to the KDC from the command line and then configure your browser to forward your credentials to authenticate through SPNEGO.

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