Apache NiFi Admin GuidePDF version

Access Policies

You can manage the ability for users and groups to view or modify NiFi resources using 'access policies'. There are two types of access policies that can be applied to a resource:

  • View -  If a view policy is created for a resource, only the users or groups that are added to that policy are able to see the details of that resource.

  • Modify - If a resource has a modify policy, only the users or groups that are added to that policy can change the configuration of that resource.

You can create and apply access policies on both global and component levels.

Global access policies govern the following system level authorizations:

Policy Privilege Global Menu Selection Resource Descriptor

view the UI

Allows users to view the UI



access the controller

Allows users to view/modify the controller including Reporting Tasks, Controller Services, Parameter Contexts and Nodes in the Cluster

Controller Settings


access parameter contexts

Allows users to view/modify Parameter Contexts. Access to Parameter Contexts are inherited from the "access the controller" policies unless overridden.

Parameter Contexts


query provenance

Allows users to submit a Provenance Search and request Event Lineage

Data Provenance


access restricted components

Allows users to create/modify restricted components assuming other permissions are sufficient. The restricted components may indicate which specific permissions are required. Permissions can be granted for specific restrictions or be granted regardless of restrictions. If permission is granted regardless of restrictions, the user can create/modify all restricted components.



access all policies

Allows users to view/modify the policies for all components



access users/user groups

Allows users to view/modify the users and user groups



retrieve site-to-site details

Allows other NiFi instances to retrieve Site-To-Site details



view system diagnostics

Allows users to view System Diagnostics



proxy user requests

Allows proxy machines to send requests on the behalf of others



access counters

Allows users to view/modify Counters



Component level access policies govern the following component level authorizations:

Policy Privilege Resource Descriptor & Action

view the component

Allows users to view component configuration details

resource="/<component-type>/<component-UUID>" action="R"

modify the component

Allows users to modify component configuration details

resource="/<component-type>/<component-UUID>" action="W"

operate the component

Allows users to operate components by changing component run status (start/stop/enable/disable), remote port transmission status, or terminating processor threads

resource="/operation/<component-type>/<component-UUID>" action="W"

view provenance

Allows users to view provenance events generated by this component

resource="/provenance-data/<component-type>/<component-UUID>" action="R"

view the data

Allows users to view metadata and content for this component in flowfile queues in outbound connections and through provenance events

resource="/data/<component-type>/<component-UUID>" action="R"

modify the data

Allows users to empty flowfile queues in outbound connections and submit replays through provenance events

resource="/data/<component-type>/<component-UUID>" action="W"

view the policies

Allows users to view the list of users who can view/modify a component

resource="/policies/<component-type>/<component-UUID>" action="R"

modify the policies

Allows users to modify the list of users who can view/modify a component

resource="/policies/<component-type>/<component-UUID>" action="W"

receive data via site-to-site

Allows a port to receive data from NiFi instances

resource="/data-transfer/input-ports/<port-UUID>" action="W"

send data via site-to-site

Allows a port to send data from NiFi instances

resource="/data-transfer/output-ports/<port-UUID>" action="W"

An administrator does not need to manually create policies for every component in the dataflow. To reduce the amount of time admins spend on authorization management, policies are inherited from parent resource to child resource. For example, if a user is given access to view and modify a process group, that user can also view and modify the components in the process group. Policy inheritance enables an administrator to assign policies at one time and have the policies apply throughout the entire dataflow.

You can override an inherited policy. Overriding a policy removes the inherited policy, breaking the chain of inheritance from parent to child, and creates a replacement policy to add users as desired. Inherited policies and their users can be restored by deleting the replacement policy.

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