Using the Apache NiFi ToolkitPDF version

Property/Argument Handling

Most commands will require specifying a baseUrl for the NiFi or NiFi Registry instance.

An example command to list the buckets in a NiFi Registry instance would be the following:

./bin/ registry list-buckets -u http://localhost:18080

In order to avoid specifying the URL (and possibly other optional arguments for TLS) on every command, you can define a properties file containing the repetitive arguments.

An example properties file for a local NiFi Registry instance would look like the following:


This properties file can then be used on a command by specifying -p:

./bin/ registry list-buckets -p /path/to/

You could then maintain a properties file for each environment you plan to interact with, such as Dev, QA, and Prod.

In addition to specifying a properties file on each command, you can setup a default properties file to be used in the event that no properties file is specified.

The default properties file is specified using the session concept, which persists to the users home directory in a file called .nifi-cli.config.

An example of setting the default property files for NiFi would be the following:

./bin/ session set nifi.props /path/to/

An example for NiFi Registry would be the following:

./bin/ session set nifi.reg.props /path/to/

This will write the above properties into the .nifi-cli.config in the user's home directory and will allow commands to be executed without specifying a URL or properties file:

./bin/ registry list-buckets

The above command will now use the baseUrl from

The order of resolving an argument is the following:

  • A direct argument overrides anything in a properties file or session

  • A properties file argument (-p) overrides the session

  • The session is used when nothing else is specified

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