Component Installation and UpgradePDF version

Installing and Starting NiFi Registry Manually

You can install NiFi Registry as a stand-alone application on a Linux operating system.

  1. Decompress and untar the installation files into the desired installation directory.
  2. Make any desired edits in files found under <installdir>/conf
  3. From the <installdir>/bin directory, execute the following commands by typing ./ <command>:
    • start: starts NiFi Registry in the background
    • stop: stops NiFi Registry that is running in the background
    • status: provides the current status of NiFi Registry
    • run: runs NiFi Registry in the foreground and waits for a Ctrl-C to initiate shutdown of NiFi Registry
    • install: installs NiFi Registry as a service that can then be controlled via
      • service nifi-registry start

      • service nifi-registry stop

      • service nifi-registry status

When NiFi Registry first starts up, the following directories are created:

  • flow_storage

  • database

  • work

  • logs

  • run

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