Moving Data using NiFi Site-to-SitePDF version

Configure your truststores

You must configure your truststores so that each cluster is aware of and trusts the other cluster, to support the two-way TLS that is used to initiate the site-to-site communication between clusters. To do this, you need to download and merge the truststores for NiFi in CDP Private Cloud Base and CDP Public Cloud.

  • You have set up a CDP Private Cloud Base and CDP Public Cloud cluster, and have the necessary network configurations established.
  • You have the necessary administrative permissions to manipulate the truststore files. You require root access, and this is typically done by an Environment Administrator.

  • You have the passwords for the Java Keystore (JKS) files available.

  1. Download the truststore from the clusters.
    1. Create a temporary directory in which you can edit the truststore files.
      $ mkdir s2s-temp && cd s2s-temp
    2. Download the JKS truststore file for CA used by NiFi in your CDP Private Cloud Base cluster.
      $ scp -i <key>  
    3. Download the JKS truststore file for CA used by NiFi in your CDP Public Cloud cluster.
      $ scp -i <key>  
  2. Merge the truststores.
    1. Make a copy of the CDP Private Cloud Base JKS:
      $ cp privatecloud_cm-auto-global_truststore.jks 
    2. Merge the CDP Public Cloud JKS into the CDP Private Cloud Base JKS and rename the entries alias to prevent conflict:
      $ keytool 
      -srckeystore publiccloud_cm-auto-global_truststore.jks 
      -destkeystore privatecloud_cm-auto-global_truststore.jks 

      The result will be similar to:

      Importing keystore publiccloud_cm-auto-global_truststore.jks to privatecloud_cm-auto-global_truststore.jks...
      Enter destination keystore password:  
      Enter source keystore password:  
      Entry for alias imported-ca-b379e6601f5ecfbbee2fefc4eb2efd4a successfully imported.
      Entry for alias imported-ca-5945bad341623ae14991e09ffe851725 successfully imported.
      Entry for alias cmrootca-1 successfully imported.
      Existing entry alias cmrootca-0 exists, overwrite? [no]:  no
      Enter new alias name	(RETURN to cancel import for this entry):  cmrootca-1-bis
      Entry for alias cmrootca-0 successfully imported.
      Entry for alias imported-ca-10c56ecc972802e53d1b7287ac2d1c6c successfully imported.
      Entry for alias imported-ca-840644351dd523125493ff4c28e694f7 successfully imported.
      Import command completed:  140 entries successfully imported, 0 entries failed or cancelled
    3. Use the copy you made to merge the CDP Private Cloud Base JKS into the CDP Public Cloud JKS and rename the entries alias to prevent conflict:
      $ keytool 
      -srckeystore privatecloud_cm-auto-global_truststore.jks.bak 
      -destkeystore publiccloud_cm-auto-global_truststore.jks 

      The result will be similar to:

      Importing keystore privatecloud_cm-auto-global_truststore.jks.bak to publiccloud_cm-auto-global_truststore.jks...
      Enter destination keystore password:  
      Enter source keystore password:  
      Existing entry alias cmrootca-0 exists, overwrite? [no]:  no
      Enter new alias name	(RETURN to cancel import for this entry):  cmrootca-0-bis
      Entry for alias cmrootca-0 successfully imported.
      Import command completed:  1 entries successfully imported, 0 entries failed or cancelled
  3. Deploy the truststores.

    Deploy the modified CDP Private Cloud Base and CDP Public Cloud JKS files on each NiFi node of the respective clusters.

  4. Restart your CDP Private Cloud Base and CDP Public Cloud clusters.

After you have configured your truststores, proceed by defining your dataflow in your CDP Public Cloud cluster.

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