Apache NiFi Registry REST APIPDF version

1.5. Tags

  • access : Endpoints for obtaining an access token or checking access status.

  • bucket bundles : Create extension bundles scoped to an existing bucket in the registry.

  • bucket flows : Create flows scoped to an existing bucket in the registry.

  • buckets : Create named buckets in the registry to store NiFi objects such flows and extensions. Search for and retrieve existing buckets.

  • bundles : Gets metadata about extension bundles and their versions.

  • config : Retrieves the configuration for this NiFi Registry.

  • extension repository : Interact with extension bundles via the hierarchy of bucket/group/artifact/version.

  • extensions : Find and retrieve extensions.

  • flows : Gets metadata about flows.

  • items : Retrieve items across all buckets for which the user is authorized.

  • policies : Endpoint for managing access policies.

  • tenants : Endpoint for managing users and user groups.

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