Sessions example for the CDE CLI

In this example, a Session is created using the Cloudera Data Engineering (CDE) CLI.

> cde session create --name cli-submission-6 --type spark-scala --conf "key=value"
> cde session list
|       NAME        |   STATE   |    TYPE     | DESCRIPTION |       CREATED        |     LAST UPDATED     |         CREATOR         |
| cli-submission-1  | preparing | spark-scala |             | 2023-02-15T08:47:41Z | 2023-02-15T08:47:41Z | csso_surya.balakrishnan |
| cli-submission-19 | preparing | spark-scala |             | 2023-02-15T07:50:08Z | 2023-02-15T07:50:08Z | csso_surya.balakrishnan |
> cde session describe --name techf-run-1
 "name": "techf-run-1",
 "state": "idle",
 "type": "pyspark",
 "created": "2023-02-15T13:19:22Z",
 "lastStateUpdated": "2023-02-15T13:19:43Z",
 "creator": "csso_surya.balakrishnan",
 "interactiveSpark": {
   "submitID": "95",
   "kind": "pyspark",
   "driverMemory": "1g",
   "driverCores": 1,
   "executorMemory": "1g",
   "executorCores": 1,
   "numExecutors": 1,
   "conf": {
     "": "false",
     "": "false",
     "spark.pyspark.python": "python3"
> cde session connect --name tech-forum
Starting REPL...
Connected to Cloudera Data engineering...
Welcome to
     ____              __
    / __/__  ___ _____/ /__
   _\ \/ _ \/ _ `/ __/  '_/
  /___/ .__/\_,_/_/ /_/\_\  version 3.3.0
Using Scala version 2.12.15 (OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM, Java
Type in expressions to have them evaluated.
>>> spark.sql("show tables").show()
>>> testDF = spark.createDataFrame([(1,"111"), (2,"111"), (3,"222"), (4,"222"), (5,"222"), (6,"111"), (7,"333"), (8,"444")], ["id", "d_id"])
>>> ^C
> cde session delete --name tech-forum