Cloudera Manager Admin Console
Cloudera Manager Admin Console is the web-based UI that you use to configure, manage, and monitor CDH.

The Cloudera Manager Admin Console top navigation bar provides the following tabs and menus:
- Services - Display individual services, and the Cloudera Management Service. In these pages you can:
- View the status and other details of a service instance or the role instances associated with the service
- Make configuration changes to a service instance, a role, or a specific role instance
- Add and delete a service or role
- Stop, start, or restart a service or role.
- View the commands that have been run for a service or a role
- View an audit event history
- Deploy and download client configurations
- Decommission and recommission role instances
- Enter or exit maintenance mode
- Perform actions unique to a specific type of service. For example:
- Enable HDFS high availability or NameNode federation
- Run the HDFS Balancer
- Create HBase, Hive, and Sqoop directories
- Cloudera Manager Management Service - Manage and monitor the Cloudera Manager Management Service. This includes the following roles: Activity Monitor, Alert Publisher, Event Server, Host Monitor, Navigator Audit Server, Navigator Metadata Server, Reports Manager, and Service Monitor.
- Cloudera Navigator - Opens the Cloudera Navigator user interface.
- Hosts - Displays the hosts in the cluster.
- Reports - Create reports about the HDFS, MapReduce, YARN, and Impala usage and browse HDFS files, and manage quotas for HDFS directories.
- Utilization Report - Opens the Cluster Utilization Report. displays aggregated utilization information for YARN and Impala jobs.
- MapReduce_service_name Jobs - Query information about MapReduce jobs running on your cluster.
- YARN_service_name Applications - Query information about YARN applications running on your cluster.
- Impala_service_name Queries - Query information about Impala queries running on your cluster.
- Dynamic Resource Pools - Manage dynamic allocation of cluster resources to YARN and Impala services by specifying the relative weights of named pools.
- Static Service Pools - Manage static allocation of cluster resources to HBase, HDFS, Impala, MapReduce, and YARN services.
- Services - Display individual services, and the Cloudera Management Service. In these pages you can:
- Hosts - Display the hosts managed by Cloudera Manager.
- All Hosts - Displays a list of manage hosts in the cluster.
- Roles - Displays the roles deployed on each host.
- Host Templates - Create and manage Host Templates, which define sets of role groups that can be used to easily expand a cluster.
- Disks Overview - Displays the status of all disks in the cluster.
- Parcels - Displays parcels available in the cluster and allows you to download, distribute, and activate new parcels.
- View the status and a variety of detail metrics about individual hosts
- Make configuration changes for host monitoring
- View all the processes running on a host
- Run the Host Inspector
- Add and delete hosts
- Create and manage host templates
- Manage parcels
- Decommission and recommission hosts
- Make rack assignments
- Run the host upgrade wizard
- Diagnostics - Review logs, events, and alerts to diagnose problems. The subpages are:
- Events - Search for and displaying events and alerts that have occurred.
- Logs - Search logs by service, role, host, and search phrase as well as log level (severity).
- Server Log -Display the Cloudera Manager Server log.
- Audits - Query and filter audit events across clusters, including logins, across clusters.
- Charts - Query for metrics of interest, display them as charts, and display personalized chart dashboards.
- Backup - Manage replication schedules and snapshot policies.
- Administration - Administer Cloudera Manager. The subpages are:
- Settings - Configure Cloudera Manager.
- Alerts - Display when alerts will be generated, configure alert recipients, and send test alert email.
- Users - Manage Cloudera Manager users and user sessions.
- Security - Generate Kerberos credentials and inspect hosts.
- License - Manage Cloudera licenses.
- Language - Set the language used for the content of activity events, health events, and alert email messages.
- AWS Credentials - Configure S3 connectivity to Cloudera Manager.
- Parcel Icon -
link to the page.
- Running Commands Indicator -
displays the number of commands currently running for all services or roles.
- Search - Supports searching for services, roles, hosts, configuration properties, and commands. You can enter a partial string and a drop-down list with up to sixteen entities that match will display.
- Support - Displays various support actions. The subcommands are:
- Send Diagnostic Data - Sends data to Cloudera Support to support troubleshooting.
- Support Portal (Cloudera Enterprise) - Displays the Cloudera Support portal.
- Mailing List (Cloudera Express) - Displays the Cloudera Manager Users list.
- Scheduled Diagnostics: Weekly - Configure the frequency of automatically collecting diagnostic data and sending to Cloudera support.
- The following links open the latest documentation on the Cloudera web site:
- Help
- Installation Guide
- API Documentation
- Release Notes
- About - Version number and build details of Cloudera Manager and the current date and time stamp of the Cloudera Manager server.
- Logged-in User Menu - The currently logged-in user. The subcommands are:
- Change Password - Change the password of the currently logged in user.
- Logout
Continue reading:
Starting and Logging into the Admin Console
- In a web browser, go to http://<server_host>:7180, where <server_host>
is the FQDN or IP address of the host where the Cloudera Manager Server is running.
The login screen for Cloudera Manager Admin Console displays.
- Log into Cloudera Manager Admin Console using the credentials assigned by your administrator. User accounts are assigned roles that constrain the features available to you.