DLM Administration
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Commands overview

List of CLI commands supported in Data Lifecycle Manager.

Command Description
dp Displays the functional list of DataPlane operations.
dp login Logs into the DataPlane platform.
dp logout Logs out of DataPlane platform.
dp dlm Displays a list of DLM commands.
dp dlm policy Displays the list of commands associated with policy operations.
dp dlm policy create Creates a new replication policy with the specification from configuration JSON.
dp dlm policy validate Validates the policy creation flow.
dp dlm policy delete Deletes an existing replication policy.
dp dlm policy get Retrieves an existing policy definition.
dp dlm policy suspend Temporarily suspends a running policy.
dp dlm policy resume Activates the suspended policy.
dp dlm policy abort Abort a running replication job of a policy.
dp dlm policy rerun Re-run a failed replication job of a policy.
dp dlm policy list Lists all replication policies and their definitions.
dp dlm policy instance Retrieves a list of instances for a replication policy.
dp dlm policy instance list Lists all replication policies instances and their definitions.
dp dlm policy instance get Retrieves an existing policy instance definition.
dp dlm events Lists the last ten events available in the DLM instance.

Global options

  • Short and Long options

Any option can be long (example --name) or short (example -n). Refer to the command usage to view the exact options supported for the command.

  • Help

Any command with -h or --help option prints the list of sub-commands supported and its usage and different options required for the command.

$ dp -h




dp [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]




Data Lifecycle Manager (DLM) CLI


dlm Data Lifecycle Manager Operations

login Login to Dataplane

help, -h Shows a list of commands or help for one command


--verbose Verbose

--help, -h show help

--version, -v print the version