Clusters map
The Clusters map indicates the geolocation of each cluster, using red, orange, and green markers on the map.
The colored markers indicate the following:
- Red: At least one required service has stopped on the cluster.
- Orange: All required services are running but the remaining capacity on a cluster is less than 10%.
- Green: All required services are running and remaining disk capacity is greater than 10%.
You can move the cursor over a marker on the map displays a tooltip specifying the data center associated with the cluster, the cluster name, and the number of DLM policies that are associated with that cluster.
You can click a marker to open a panel showing the same information as in the tooltip, plus a Launch Ambari link. Clicking the link opens a new browser tab with the login page for the Ambari host for that cluster.
If the dot is red, the panel also displays a list of services that are in a Stopped state in Ambari.