Self-Service Exploratory AnalyticsPDF version

Self-service exploratory analytics use case

A real-life business narrative enables you to follow and understand the Self-service exploratory analytics CDP pattern. The narrative introduces the key personas at play, establishes burning business questions, and sets parameters for the success criteria of the pattern.

This is a sample use case. The steps in this pattern can be applied to similar use cases across other industries.

You are a marketing data aggregator (Special Marketing Group (SMG)) company, helping a group of duty-free shops in airports to answer some questions around a new marketing campaign they plan to run. The duty-free shop owners want to partner with specific airlines to offer discounts through the airlines to their passengers who spend more time in an international terminal than warranted for their flight. In this partnership, the airlines can improve customer satisfaction during extended wait times, and duty-free shops can increase sales.

A representative of a number of duty-free shops has requested help to select airlines to partner with. The shops will offer discounts to passengers of those airlines experiencing delays.

To decide which airlines to partner with, the marketing managers from the duty-free shops need to know which airlines have the most customers who experience delays and base the size of the discount on a range of dissatisfaction levels.

This short-lived sales promotion does not warrant a permanent dashboard or report, and you do not expect more than 100 people to access the data resulting from this pattern.

The primary personas have access to the data and perform analytics on it. The secondary personas draft sales promotion policies from business insights.

Primary personas:
  • Data Analyst: The Data Analyst from the SMG company is responsible for providing the duty-free shop owners with a visual tool to choose airline partners for offering duty-free discounts.
  • LoB Marketing Representative: The LoB Marketing Representative for the duty-free shops is globally responsible for supporting a number of duty-free shop owners in sales and marketing activities, and requests decision support services from the SMG company.
Secondary personas:
  • Marketing Data Analysts: The Marketing Data Analysts from each duty-free organization would want to access the dashboards for insight. The assumption is that there are no more than 10 duty-free shop management firms with no more than 10 analysts interested in evaluating data that is published based on this request.
  • LoB Managers: Managers from each duty-free organization use the insight and draft the promotional policies.
The LoB Marketing Representative has identified ideal airline partners as ones that have the most customers that experience the following inconveniences:
  • Long layovers before an international flight
  • Elongated layovers caused by delayed international flights (connection)
  • Missed international connections due to a delay on the pre-connection flights
The LoB Marketing Representative wants to offer a discount program in partnership with their ideal airlines, which partially subsidize the discount percentage based on passenger inconveniences as follows:
  • 10% discount at the duty-free shop for passengers with long layovers not caused by delays. A long layover is any layover greater than 90 minutes.
  • 20% discount for passengers that have an elongated layover due to a delay in their next leg. An elongated delay is a delay of the departing flight greater than 60 minutes.
  • 30% discount for passengers displaced by missing their connecting flight due to a delay in their previous leg. A missed connection is a delay of 45 minutes, or more, between arrival and the departure of the connecting international flight. The minimum time between flights to safely make a connection is 45 minutes.
The marketing data coordinator from the SMG company has data about the airlines, flights, airports, and passengers in a number of places. The SMG Data Analyst needs to address the following business questions using data they have aggregated from airlines and airports tables:
  • Which airlines have the most passengers who have long layovers built into their tickets?
  • Which airlines have the most passengers who have delayed international legs in their itinerary causing an extended layover in their flight itinerary?
  • Which airlines have the most passengers who are displaced by a missed international connection, caused by a delay in their previous leg?

Going from data to dashboard in 15 minutes.

The SMG Data Analyst is able to explore and analyze data using Hue and can share a dashboard in CDP Data Visualization with the Marketing Data Analysts and LoB Managers. The Marketing Data Analysts and LoB Managers should be able to use this dashboard and the insights to frame the promotional policies for their duty-free outlets.