Cloudera Public Cloud Patterns
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Cloudera Public Cloud
Getting Started
Preview Features
Data Catalog
Data Engineering
Data Hub
Data Warehouse
Data Warehouse Runtime
Cloudera AI
Management Console
Operational Database
Replication Manager
DataFlow for Data Hub
Cloudera Private Cloud
Data Services
Getting Started
Cloudera Manager
Management Console
Replication Manager
Data Catalog
Data Engineering
Data Warehouse
Data Warehouse Runtime
Cloudera AI
Getting Started
Flow Management
Streaming Analytics
Flow Management Operator
Streaming Analytics Operator
Streams Messaging Operator
Cloudera Manager
Cloudera Manager
Cloudera Streaming Community Edition
Data Science Workbench
Data Visualization
Edge Management
Observability SaaS
Observability on premises
Workload XM On-Prem
Cloudera Enterprise
Flow Management
Stream Processing
Streams Messaging Manager
Streams Replication Manager
Getting Started
Preview Features
Data Catalog
Data Engineering
Data Hub
Data Warehouse
Data Warehouse Runtime
Cloudera AI
Management Console
Operational Database
Replication Manager
DataFlow for Data Hub
Filter topics
CDP Patterns
Self-Service Exploratory Analytics
Self-service exploratory analytics
Understanding the use case
Self-service exploratory analytics use case
Self-service exploratory analytics steps
Meeting the prerequisites
Downloading sample data
Exploring and querying data in Hue
Exploring the databases and airline tables
Importing the passenger data
Creating data sets as per the business criteria
Generating and sharing dashboards
Business Intelligence at Scale
Introduction to Business Intelligence at Scale
Understanding the use case
Business Intelligence at Scale use case
Setting up your CDP pattern infrastructure
Giving access to users and groups
Giving access to Streams Messaging users
Giving access to DataFlow users
Giving access to Data Engineering users
Giving access to Data Warehouse users
Creating and assiging Ranger policies
Setting up the Streams Messaging cluster
Creating a Streams Messaging cluster
Setting up the Cloudera DataFlow service
Enabling DataFlow for an environment
Setting up the Cloudera Data Engineering service
Creating Data Hub cluster with Data Engineering cluster definition
Enabling Cloudera Data Engineering
Creating a virtual cluster
Setting up Cloudera Data Warehouse
Activating features under entitlement
Activating an AWS Environment for CDW
Adding an Impala Virtual Warehouse
Business Intelligence at Scale steps
Downloading the use case artifacts
Meeting the prerequisites
Ingesting data using Streams Messaging
Setting up the streaming data source
Adding schemas to the Schema Registry
Creating Kafka Topics
Building data pipelines using Cloudera DataFlow
Adding a ReadyFlow to the Catalog
Importing the custom NiFi flow definition
Collecting configuration information for ReadyFlow
Deploying the NiFi flows
Transforming and organizing data using Cloudera Data Engineering
Analyzing data and visualizing results using Cloudera Data Warehouse
About adding data to Data Warehouse
Creating tables and inserting data
Creating a materialized view
Creating a Data Visualization dashboard by importing visual artifacts
Exploratory Data Science and Visualization
Exploratory Data Science
Data Discovery and Exploration Steps
Meeting the prerequisites
About sample data
Starting Exploratory Data Science and Visualization
Creating a Flight Details dashboard
Troubleshooting: 401 Unauthorized
Troubleshooting: 401 Unauthorized when accessing Hive
Troubleshooting: Existing connection name
Troubleshooting: Empty data page
Troubleshooting: Some connections not shown
About adding data to Data Warehouse
About sample data
Activating an AWS Environment for CDW
Activating features under entitlement
Adding a ReadyFlow to the Catalog
Adding an Impala Virtual Warehouse
Adding schemas to the Schema Registry
Analyzing data and visualizing results using Cloudera Data Warehouse
Building data pipelines using Cloudera DataFlow
Business Intelligence at Scale
Business Intelligence at Scale steps
Business Intelligence at Scale use case
CDP Patterns
Collecting configuration information for ReadyFlow
Creating a Data Visualization dashboard by importing visual artifacts
Creating a Flight Details dashboard
Creating a materialized view
Creating a Streams Messaging cluster
Creating a virtual cluster
Creating and assiging Ranger policies
Creating Data Hub cluster with Data Engineering cluster definition
Creating data sets as per the business criteria
Creating Kafka Topics
Creating tables and inserting data
Data Discovery and Exploration Steps
Deploying the NiFi flows
Downloading sample data
Downloading the use case artifacts
Enabling Cloudera Data Engineering
Enabling DataFlow for an environment
Exploratory Data Science
Exploratory Data Science and Visualization
Exploring and querying data in Hue
Exploring the databases and airline tables
Generating and sharing dashboards
Giving access to Data Engineering users
Giving access to Data Warehouse users
Giving access to DataFlow users
Giving access to Streams Messaging users
Giving access to users and groups
Importing the custom NiFi flow definition
Importing the passenger data
Ingesting data using Streams Messaging
Introduction to Business Intelligence at Scale
Meeting the prerequisites
Meeting the prerequisites
Meeting the prerequisites
Self-Service Exploratory Analytics
Self-service exploratory analytics
Self-service exploratory analytics steps
Self-service exploratory analytics use case
Setting up Cloudera Data Warehouse
Setting up the Cloudera Data Engineering service
Setting up the Cloudera DataFlow service
Setting up the streaming data source
Setting up the Streams Messaging cluster
Setting up your CDP pattern infrastructure
Starting Exploratory Data Science and Visualization
Transforming and organizing data using Cloudera Data Engineering
Troubleshooting: 401 Unauthorized
Troubleshooting: 401 Unauthorized when accessing Hive
Troubleshooting: Empty data page
Troubleshooting: Existing connection name
Troubleshooting: Some connections not shown
Understanding the use case
Understanding the use case
Filter topics
Exploratory Data Science
Data Discovery and Exploration Steps
Meeting the prerequisites
About sample data
Starting Exploratory Data Science and Visualization
Creating a Flight Details dashboard
Troubleshooting: 401 Unauthorized
Troubleshooting: 401 Unauthorized when accessing Hive
Troubleshooting: Existing connection name
Troubleshooting: Empty data page
Troubleshooting: Some connections not shown
Exploratory Data Science and Visualization
You may encounter the following issues.
Troubleshooting: 401 Unauthorized
Problem: Session returns a 401: Unauthorized error.
Troubleshooting: 401 Unauthorized when accessing Hive
Problem: Session returns a 401: Unauthorized error when you are accessing a Hive database.
Troubleshooting: Existing connection name
Problem: When the user attempts to sync data connections, an error message displays, stating the crn or name is a duplicate.
Troubleshooting: Empty data page
You launch the application and see the spinner, but then the empty data page returns.
Troubleshooting: Some connections not shown
The data application doesn't show all data connections.
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